It’s for his own good
Do I want to know the logistics of how the wiener bun is escape-proof, while not also being potty-proof?
There’s one strap around his neck, and I would assume at least one or two more that are fastened behind his forelegs, and around his ribcage. The bun stays flat when the dog squats, creating an unintentional awning for the poo and pee.
^ this is all conjecture on my part, but that is how I would design the thing. It’s basically a dog harness with poofy bits added to it and stuffed with batting.
Yeah, I guess this isn’t the first of these costumes that needs to solve that problem, but rather all of them need to. I just had never thought about it…
Do they take the time to put and take off the thing from the dog every time it wants to go outside? Just add chicken wire to the fence or something jeez
Or get a real dog, if I wanted something that size, I’d get a freakin’ cat.
Classic Texas.
Sounds like he’d piss his hotdog with this setup.