The plan is called “Catch and Deport” and involves searching international students’ social media accounts
So long as they don’t conflate “Hamas” and “Palestinians”… which they will… so fuck’em.
Well, the comment that showed bust above yours shows an article from NYT doing exactly that 😮💨
(From webghodt0101 :
Yeah, that’s exactly what I thought. Any criticism of Israel, and support for Palestinian civilians, will be “pro Hamas”
Anyone who actually is pro Hamas deserves everything they get, of course.
“Reportedly”? Wasn’t this announced by them? Love seeing watered down journalism at its finest here when we need it most… /s
Frankly with what’s happening in Syria right now, can Hamas please convert to Shia or anything other than Sunni before I consider this wrong?
I’m fed up with Sunni Islam existing on this planet. Yes, I know that’s the majority of Muslims. Easily no Christian movement is worse than Salafism and Wahhabism, and those two together would be a lot of Sunnis and their most powerful states and factions.