Wonder why people blame him for eggs?
This just in: Elon Musk being investigated for fixing the price of eggs.
Classic GOP. Campaign on fixing something that they blame another admin for and then turn around and say they can’t control that thing to fulfill on their promise.
his supporters miss trumps saying he cant lower the prices when he was finally elected.
I mean this is politics in general
Free Waterfall IV?
Where are the “I did this!” stickers?
Should I put them at the egg aisle?
Only if you’re trying to ruin the day of the worker who ends up having to scrape it off.
He knows he looks bad there.
Doesn’t matter if it isn’t your fault. Your admin needs to fix it.
That’s also what he said he would do and the most convincing reason people flipped from Biden to vote for him
shut up about the
suneggsImagine if this had been under Biden. They’d have been banging on about how he caused it constantly. A fickle unthinking bunch.
Being unthinking is one thing. But the degree that they actively avoid thinking is remarkable to me.
i haven’t, but know you mention it…
Alright, I gotta ask. How much is a dozen eggs costing you guys right now?
Mkssouri: $8 for free range organic, double the usual price.
I saw them going for $10 yesterday in CA. People have reported them going as high as $18. Chicken is also quite expensive and in short supply due to the bird flu disruptions
Meanwhile, a dozen eggs are like $5 in CAD in CA (aka. Canada)
$4.63 CAD ($3.20 USD) for a dozen extra large eggs currently.
30 for $10 at Costco
$6 yesterday in the southeast.