That sounds significantly harder than supporting Steam Deck users but OK Epic
I kinda get the argument about it, but the game is so bad I can’t be bothered to even be upset, even on their behalf.
I legit feel like Linux is better for not having it.
Looks up from single player game, goes back to playing
Good thing I don’t care about Fortnite and never ever buy games on Epic!
But I’ll happily take all their free stuff, lol.
I’ve not spent over $20 on epic ever, but have hundreds of games.
Fortnite is unironically a really good game, its the only game i’ve spent money on microtransactions (10 bucks) in and I would literally spend more if I could actually play it on linux.
Too bad that they’re missing profits by not enabling EAC support for linux.
It’s too bad, really. I only buy games from there if they’re significantly cheaper. But I do my gaming on Windows atm.