ooooh I wishwishwish needles wouldn’t give such genuine life-threatening fear feels, otherwise I’d totally do that… Actually… Imma ask.
- OK, how painful is it?
- How much do u have to inject?
- How long do u take to inject fully?
- Does it get uncomfy cold under the skin?
- do u have to aim for specific part of leg?
- do u usually have problems with the needles
- how far do u have to inject?
- do u just press in and pull out, or did u actually have to 1. Push needle in flesh, 2. press rod to insert fluid into blood 3. Pull out again?
Content warning: me talking about uncomfy feels with needles. You may get nervous from this.
For me, I always, without exception, get crazy panic before I get injected, as in like, months before. Then the stress levels keep increasing over the coming days, i keep going between bargaining, acceptance and regret and seem a lot colder to everyone around me, to the point that they think I’m sick and hand me a puke-bucket.
Then, once the day comes, I may puke some times over the day, then when the actual moment comes, I usually first go “ah, that wasn’t so bad”, after which I fall onto the chair again, I lose my vision and hearing, I can’t feel anything besides aggressive raindrops shooting onto my body from all sides, and I feel incredibly incredibly sick. After 2 - 3 minutes I can stand up again and I can go in about 5 minutes.BUT! If the needle isn’t too long and aiming isn’t too hard, doing it myself feels a lot more managable. Especially since I’m the one in control and I know what I’m doing.
okay so the process isnt that painful or cold for me, but i have high pain tolerance, however i hear the same from near everybody who does it.
im using estrodiol enanthate, there are different formulas that will have different doses, my dose is about 5mg of estrodiol a week, and that ends up being a rather small amount of actual liquid for my formula. there is a really good calculator for different formulas and doses here
i aim for the outer thigh, around where the muscle is closer to the skin than the fat, but some people do it in the butt, or stomach. there are two kinds of injections, im doing inter muscular, or straight down 90 degrees from the leg, but there is also sub dermal, where you go at 45 degrees and less deep. for my injections i go an inch deep or more.
i hold the needle like a dart, and do it all in one swift motion, stretching the skin and coughing as it breaks skin, it helps to not notice the prick of the needle. going in one swift and smooth motion is best, going slow hurts more. then i press down on the plunger and pull it out when im done.
there are more steps, this is the simplified version, there are much better tutorials online, i just wanted to answer some of you questions directly.
I don’t like needles tho (> _ <)… is it really that noticeable of a difference from sublingual?
There is also gel, which I found worked fine even for monotherapy. The downside is you have to apply a lot, which is a pain.
Injections give you a peak and drop-off, which more closely resembles cis natural estrogen production. I don’t know for sure if that is beneficial, but saturation is a thing.
Is there a risk of trackmarks?
Do you vary injection sites?
I’m sure there’s a risk of them but I don’t have any yet after a month, and I switch legs every time
I just switched from sublingual to injections today, and I can confirm. This bad girl (my right thigh) can fit so much estradiol! Honestly surprised how painless and fuss-free needles were for me, it went really well.