Since they’re certifying 3rd party devices now I wouldn’t be surprised for code covering those to pop up in the steamos repos. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was for the ASUS ryzen handheld or something.
This doesn’t seem to be for a handheld though. The addition of HDMI CEC and the high TDP suggests this seems to be a console of sorts.
Ah, yeah, probably some console flavor of steam machine then. What TDP does this one have?
Edit: similar dev boards have been spotted with HS and U laptop chips, as well as Zen3 embedded <~55W so … it could be anything. Valve probably won’t be using an off the shelf SoC, it’ll be another GPU heavy custom job unless this is purely a dev platform or something.
A steam console could be interesting.
Fremont might even be a new VR headset
I got my Quest 3 not even a month ago. There is a good chance i would sell it if that is true.