Good evening, Lemmy,
I recently got into Insane Clown Posse and, as a result, into Juggalo culture. Since acceptance, respect, and support are such important ideals among Juggalos, I was wondering:
Are Juggalos, therefore, allies of the LGBTQ+ community?
Since I live in Germany and have yet to meet someone who even likes ICP in my country, I have basically zero contact with Juggalos. So, everything I know comes from what I’ve read online, and I was wondering how this translates into real life.
I don’t believe I’m an arbitrator of who is or isn’t an ally, but I did grow up with folks who identify as juggalos, I’ve joined them at the gathering previously, and live in an area of the midwest that is somewhat prolific with ICP fans.
My perspective is they are some of the kindest, easy going, unconventionally individualistic people I’ve ever met. Nearly unwaivering in their acceptance of others into the community. Almost like modern day hippies, very pro drugs, human unity and family. Many are lgbtq themselves.
I would GENERALLY consider them lgbtq allies. There’s always assholes in every crowd though.
This is very much true of metalheads as well. They listen to the MOST rage sounding terrifying music, but are the nicest damned folks I’ve ever shared a mosh pit with.
Every Juggalo I’ve interacted with (sample size of 3) has been the kind of person I’d definitely consider an ally.
Potentially not representative of the greater community, but I’ve yet to experience anything to the contrary.
In case someone else needed to learn this: “Juggalo” is a term for fans of Insane Clown Posse, a hip hop group.
I had to look up so much stuff to even understand the question, so I’ll let others provide actual answers.
Juggalos are a subculture of people who feel ostracized and such, are generally VERY welcoming to people deemed “lesser” by the world. It’s a community that celebrates being yourself. If you’re not hurting anyone, you do you!
I think it’s kind of beautiful even though the music is not for me.
Same here.
I can’t say I like the music, but them clowns is good people.
It’s a community that celebrates being yourself.
As long as you wear clown paint on your face and use the wrong their/there/they’re
The Daily Show had a segment Who Will Juggalos Vote for?.
The whole thing is great, but for me 3:50 is where you can really pick up the whole vibe in just about a minute. Particularly the perfectly respectful way of handling not knowing how to pronounce someone’s name. And then lapsing into a hallucinogenic zone out time.
I fucking hated that segment.
That shitty host is like “WOW GET A LOAD OF THESE FREAKS” the whole time while the freaks are being welcoming and nice.
I know it’s the dudes schtick to be the sassy, judgemental gay guy but those juggalos but he was desperately trying to make them the butt of the joke and it didn’t work. He looked like a total asshole, it was like listening to a Mean Girl bully the nicest kids in class.
The only part he wasn’t an obnoxious douchebag was during the sit-down interview.
That shitty host is like “WOW GET A LOAD OF THESE FREAKS” the whole time while the freaks are being welcoming and nice.
That’s literally the joke. They start with the wrong opinion then slowly educate you with the correct one.
I know a smattering of Juggalos and as a whole they are kind and accepting folk. ICP actually has a number of songs that call out racist and bigoted behavior. Obviously there are bound to be a few jerky exceptions, but they would be at odds with what the majority expresses as core values.
They accept what society rejects besides pedos.
The few that I have met have been accepting of us queer people. But my sample size is incredibly small.
I think most of them a decent people based off of the anecdotal evidence I have.
a good friend of mine is a hard core Juggalo. Most of them are very accepting. I’ve been to a gathering and it’s wild. Good people, lots of drugs and titties. I have a soft spot for clown girls. The music isn’t my thing and the anti-science stuff is cringe. But all in all they seem like good folks.
What kinda anti-science stuff we talkin bout?
I’m not LGBT myself, but while in my angsty and edge lordy early 20s, my LGBT friends didn’t really like the ICP music, but they strongly preferred the messaging over the early Eminem of the same era.
There is (was?) a lot of violent imagery that not nice people could fixate on, but the targets of that violence are all racists or authoritarians of one kind or another. Beyond that, a lot of the music was about just doing what makes you happy and chilling with your friends with some slightly veiled Charlie Brown level Christian values mixed in.
Every Juggalo I’ve met has definitely been a little out there, but not in a bad way, just a marches to the beat of their own drummer type.
I’m from the Midwest, had friends go to check out the gathering, never had problems. They’re self proclaimed outsiders and anti-establishment and are generally sympathetic to minority groups. The worst I’ve seen from them is anti science and anti education getting wrapped up in their anti establishmentism, but they usually just want to get high and listen to music about horror movies and wrestling.
Yessir alive and kicking.
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