I have a load of filters set up on my feed, notably I don’t want to see Trump or Elon.
Due to recent events, so much content is coming through that it is as if I don’t have filters at all.
If the text or title doesn’t include the key words, it can’t be filtered. All the screenshots or posts with jokes or bad titles can’t be filtered.
I think the only way proper filters could be achieved is with a separate ‘tags’ field that could be added to or voted on by community members.
This might all seem like a lot of effort, but feed filters are such a good feature that I think it would be worth it.
I don’t want unreasonable perfection for the filters, but the system seems too flawed at the moment.
I have no idea where this kind of discussion or decision would be made so I’m just throwing it out as a question here.
I’ve started to use RSS readers so I only see the posts I want. Some RSS readers let you filter by keyword to really make sure they don’t show up.
Can you elaborate on your RSS setup? In 2025, I’m planning on switching entirely to text-based mobile browsing and RSS sounds like the best avenue for me
I’m using keyword filters here and I’m getting memes, screenshots of twitter or content that naturally creeps through. What is the advantage of RSS in that regard? I’m keen to check it out if it works.