MAGAts be like
This is the type of criminal the trump pardoned, absolutely disgusting.
On August 24, 2009, Huttle’s three-year-old son, C.H., had a bathroom accident, and Huttle beat the child, leaving bruises on his neck and severe bruises on his back and buttocks.
Clearly the solution is to ban trans people from peeing at the mall
He wasn’t pardoned of that crime, to be fair.
And the entire world collectively whispers under their breath, “Good.”
Wow, cops actually shot someone deserving of it. What’s the score looking like now?
The Lord works in mysterious ways…
1499 to go.
I wanna be sedated
Freeze my ass for the next 15 years
It’s only been a week. But sadly, at this rate, it’ll take 30 years to clean up the rest.
If we’re lucky. If we’re not, there is nothing to clean up…
I read “Indian man” at first and thought there’s no way that Trump would pardon
Friendly fire.
If the cop loses their job over this, it’s like two birds with one bullet.
Sometimes things work themselves out naturally.
Schadenfreuding: the worst system you know just claimed a great casualty.
one down…
Good., but you’ve still got work to do
deleted by creator
What the fuck is wrong with the people doing all the gloating?
A man was killed resisting arrest and you’re all here cheering for it because he was previously imprisoned?
Yes they were insurrectionists. Prison time? Sure. Death for resisting arrest? Get a grip.
After a week of bad news after bad news where I am both fearful for my job and very right to exist in the country, quite frankly, I couldn’t care less about your moral grandstanding. This guy tried to overthrow democracy for a man who is currently doing a speed-run of fascism.
He should still be rotting in prison, instead a criminal was released into the streets by the party of “law and order” for political reasons. And while I have no love lost for cops, this guy getting shot is anything but a tragedy.
Fuck him, fuck Trump, fuck republicans, and fuck anyone who has sympathy for these monsters. These people want me dead for trying to be comfortable in my own skin. I will wish the worst on every last one of them because I know what they want to do to me and I’m tired of people using kid gloves when talking about these people.
Sometimes it’s objectively a good thing when a bad person kicks the bucket.
But I agree on one point: ACAB
Sometimes it’s objectively a good thing when a bad person kicks the bucket.
True, but nobody really knows anything about this man other than he was an insurrectionist. He was doing 6 months prison time.
That is some mother’s son and she’s probably still alive. That’s awful.
other than he was an insurrectionist
“Fascist” is probably a more appropriate term.
Feel bad for his mom, not him
A man was killed resisting arrest and you’re all here cheering for it because he was previously imprisoned?
No. I’m cheering for it because he was a violent MAGA shithead. Fuck all of 'em.
He was a horrible person. From a previous arrest:
On August 24, 2009, Huttle‟s three-year-old son, C.H., had a bathroom accident, and Huttle beat the child, leaving bruises on his neck and severe bruises on his back and buttocks.
He was a Terrorist. He more than earned the death sentence.