Lmfao they will never learn
They know better. But this is the bullshit they spin to try and convince everyone else. It doesn’t work.
Maybe it works with shareholders, who seem to be as invested and interested in quality as EA CEO
Nailed it. He is making excuses to shareholders.
if only Larian made the next Dragon Age game like they did with BG3
Like, why though, it seems like the main reason it failed is because very few people care about Dragon Age, why not have a well loved developer make something people are excited about?
Lots of people care about DA, very few people care about whatever the fuck DAV was
You sound like a fucking CEO.
“We ruined this whole game from the beginning by making this single player franchise into a live service and changed our mind half way through, so what we have is a poorly written story with bad characterisation, tokenism, generic combat that always feels exactly the same regardless of how you approach a fight and only three skills to equip for the whole damn game. Obviously nobody likes it because nobody cares about dragon age.”
Well, obviously. Just look at the massive success by the other major game in the genre, Baldur’s Gate 3. Fucking packed to the rafters with live service elements so that must be it.
What a fucking idiot. I’m itching to refund it just for this statement alone.
It was Skill-up’s review that turned me off it and I’m glad I never played it from the rest of the reviews I’ve read. The art direction is so off-putting and I love the line “it feels like HR is in the room with you in every scene”, I have no idea what they were thinking.
It couldn’t be the lackluster story, lack luster game play that everyone seems to point out. Nope it has to be not being a live service…
Dragon Age 1: Quest 1: Here is the exact ritual to create new Gray Wardens
Every Dragon Age since: You’re the last Gray Warden! No one knows how to make more!
To be fair, Duncan knew it and technically there are realities with no survivors from that ritual… There are also realities where it appears your Gray Warden has been running around spiking people’s drinks with dark spawn blood because how the hell do we keep getting more wardens? It’s possible that the knowledge was really lost due to a few Wardens thinking “No, I won’t repeat that.”
The truth of the matter is, no one can bring themselves to put taint that many times in the modern games.
I dared to hope that Mass Effect would be good.
I now dare to hope someone steps up to the plate and gives us a spiritual successor. I miss being a space captain having space adventures in space with my space buddies.
Some of the old team are working on one called “Exodus” that looks okay. Matthew McConaughey is involved somehow, so take of that what you will.
I didn’t even dare to hope. Just look at the games that have been put out over the decade? With such high quality games like Anthem, Andromeda and now Veil Guard.
Yeah, Bioware is just a name, and has no prestige anymore.
I liked Andromeda though. It made me feel like maybe they could return to form. The narrative was not great and completely forgettable along with the followers but I liked the gameplay and I’ll die on the hill that exploration wise it was a better Mass Effect 1 than Mass Effect 1. The writing was what needed work and I was hoping they would get it right this time around. But seeing how the studio was gutted and this is the lesson they learned from Veilguard I now fully expect it to be a Helldivers ripoff. In fact screencap this.
Anthem and Andromeda were actually pretty good as bases to work off of. I truly believe Anthem could’ve succeeded in the stated mission of “Destiny Killer” if they had put work into making it good, building it into a good instanced MMO. Same with Andromeda - actually pretty good game that just had a rough start, and could’ve been great if the studio had put time and effort into DLC.
But the metric is never “how many people are actually saying this is a good game and they enjoy it”, it’s “did this literally smash every other game out there on release.”
The children yearn for dark patterns
Dragon Age is not a popular IP.
I know one person who was excited for this release.
I tried to get into it in DA2, but the characters and story were so fucking cardboard I couldn’t stand it.
Origins was such an awesome game. I’ve been disappointed since.
I loved how dumb DA2 was, played it a whole bunch. Loved that there were only, like 6 dungeon maps, with customizable barriers for “variety”.
Die EA
It’s like they don’t know what made DAO good.
Oh wow! I gotta admit, I kinda like Veilguard. Yeah, it’s the same “Bioware Style” story as a lot of others. Sorry it wasn’t to a lot of people’s taste.
Hmm honestly they could have probably milked the fans of this game those who enjoyed it and it’s God awful writing. I’m sure it’s got a enough gacha, shitty skins, and tons of grinding the whales come out in full force.
Well the industry is looking at Baldur’s Gate 3 to learn how fantasy RPG are supposed to be made. CEO thinks the only thing really missing is the only thing BG3 does NOT have.