I’ll start with some ideas…

  • Hard boil a couple eggs, and write $1 on them. Then, next time you go into a store, offer to pay for your stuff with the eggs.
  • Try to get an insurance policy on a dozen eggs.
  • Try to pawn a dozen eggs.

Hey, if the egg prices are gonna be ridiculous, people might as well have a few lighthearted pranks for shits and giggles!

What ideas do you folks have?

  • Lord Wiggle@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    List stuff to sell, like your car, but have it say with the price “will only accept eggs”. Plus side of this joke will be that you don’t have to go in debt to purchase some eggs for it.

    Tell crypto people to invest into CHCKN as it will be a solid investment. If they ask which crypto that is, you tell them “no no, chicken, as in the bird. EGG currency is going to skyrocket”

    3d print a plastic egg box with plastic card holder in it and tell people you got a new wallet.