And they didn’t synthesize any of them to verify the algorithm works
Right? 233 of them don’t actually exist because the AI made them up, 27 of them are already something else the AI made up a name for, and 8 of them might be a thing except it’s cost prohibitive and no one’s ever attempted it before.
They narrowed down the possibilities to ones that are more likely to work than random, which is a great use of AI. Lots of testing is still needed.
They have also done this for years with algorithms. AI models are a step up though, like a chain saw compared to a hand saw for cutting down large numbers of trees.
But this is also being promoted as successful when in reality all 268 alloys might fail testing or have other properties that the model didn’t include. It is progress in the process of finding new alloys, but the results still need to be verified.
Is discover the right word to use there?
“AI said it discovered 268 new high-performance metal alloys. Idiots believed it without validation. We reported it as fact without validation.”
Yes, but how many fingers did they have?