tbf it’s a lot catchier than McCoy’s “What?!?”
tbf it’s a lot catchier than McCoy’s “What?!?”
I don’t understand - I can play it now for free. ? The added items are neat but - isn’t Megadrive/Genesis in the same retro boat as SNES? Why would I not play the original?
At first, AI. Then guns.
more oxygen = more problems / no oxygen = no problems
Oh man, I feel that pain. But here’s where I’m at: after so many decades of really trying, really trying to get them to learn what a file system is and how computers, y’know, work, I’m done.
Obviously I don’t do that work for pay, but when I did I went with the assumption that people were just ignorant, not stupid. Now I think they’re just incurious - which is a kind of stupidity. And since the vast majority of their lives are now controlled, monitored, or involve these systems they can’t be bothered to learn - yeah, sucks to be them.
Noooooo . . . it was the khaaaaaaaan! one.
Remember that website www.khaaaaan.com ? It was a loop of The Shat yelling it in the movie?
Can’t find it anymore. Good times, I tells ya.
Alcohol is a helluva drug, y’all
Next Gen had a horrible habit of centering episodes on child actors.
Child actors are wrong. Don’t do it, writers.
Fuck McDonalds, fuck Google. Got it.
Hey, I was already there!