Or is it that the victims pest warning system is currently winning the biological arms race, in which case how are mosquitoes able to successfully reproduce? Or is it that mosquitoes have evolved such that their spawning numbers offset the difficulty they have biting?
Biology is hard.
They have! For the most part you don’t even notice mosquitoes biting you until after they’re long gone, the part that itches is from the mosquitoes saliva that is left behind! They have evolved to the point that you should never even feel them sticking their proboscis into you so if you actually catch one biting you it’s probably because something went wrong or you just happened to see it land
If you’re aware enough, you can feel one landing on you. Easier to do if you’re aware there’s one in the room and you try to focus. No real way for them to evolve around that.
Does vary by mosquito species but yeah for the most part.
Alpine mosquitoes with shorter seasons tend to have swarming strategy, they’re loud and you notice when they land on you. It’s just that there’s about 1-200 of them flying about you so lots will still be successful. These ones mostly don’t spread disease but they ruin a hike.
The sneakiest ones are in the tropics and are the species that spread malaria and other disease.
For real, those “wild” mosquitoes will land even on moving limbs and keep sucking without you noticing. I consider myself an expert mosquito assassin but even I fear them.
It would need to be us that needs to evolve away from being sensitive to mosquito saliva. But our immune system went the other way to be allergic to it so we could defend against any infection or disease the bug might carry. Further proof of human stupidity in our evolution, that we trigger the defense mechanism after the the attack instead of preventing it.
They have, the ones that irritate you either make an error or your body has a bad reaction to something in their bite.
The mosquito likely evolved to try, but the body evolves to defend just the same. Your irritation is your own body’s immune response after all.
Biological arms race
From what I know, when a mosquito stings you, it injects some stuff that prevents the area from hurting, probably so that you wouldn’t notice it, but the said stuff also makes the stings super itchy. I’m not completely sure about this though.
Right, you don’t feel the bite. They fly away, and then you start to itch. Most of the time they’re done and give before you notice
You can feel a mosquito feeding on you?
i can, often. you can’t?
I did not know there were people who could not feel this 😬
Well of course, and if the cases you don’t feel it in the moment, you inevitably feel it a minute later
Evolution doesn’t work that way. They don’t evolve X because of Y. They develop essentially random mutations, and the ones that make them fitter for survival get passed on to their offspring. They don’t get to decide that they don’t want you to itch and then evolve that ability.
I meant as the ones that have mutations that cause them to itch get whacked, the remaining ones that dont get to pass on this trait to their offspring,creating a generation of itchless bugs, not that this mosquito one day decides to evolve a non itching bite because he thinks it might benefit his bloodline.
The itch doesn’t begin until well after the female mosquito gets her food and leaves, so what reproductive advantage does it give to that specific mosquito over the others to make the itch not happen at all? The answer is “none”.
When I start itching from a bite, I’ll go on a killing spree and the one that bit me is most likely to meet its demise. But maybe that’s just me
Animals don’t do this, and humans are not the only prey for mosquitos. Also humans live in enclosed spaces which are hard for mosquitos to escape, which is only a few thousands years old, and evolution usually takes more time.
That makes sense
The fact that people often notice and whack mosquitos when they bite suggests that there is still a reproductive advantage to be had
But the question is: how would a mosquito that develops this trait have an easier time reproducing? Assuming it reproduced and had quite a few offspring, would that collective group of thousands of mosquitoes have an easier time reproducing? It wouldn’t, because humans don’t have some kind of vision that tells them the mosquito won’t make them start itching 5 minutes later or whatever, by which point the mosquito is long gone. Even if they did, they’d still smack it upon noticing it, because it carries deadly diseases and is an annoying insect.
It’s like you failed to read the first 2/3 of my reply.
The fact that many people are able to notice and whack many mosquitoes when they bite shows that it isn’t only after 5 minutes that people notice, leaving room for an evolutionary improvement that would allow them to live longer and thus reproduce more
If you’d ever been really swarmed by mosquitoes or lived in a place where they are ever present you’d not be asking this question.
- When they swarm enough they are nearly impossible to avoid.
- When their presence is constant some people just stop reacting to the bites. I only ever notice mosquito bites on places that get chaffed (like the wrists and hands, around collars and cuffs). If they bite a place you wouldn’t normally scratch and can avoid scratching the area after a bite, for some people a welt is much less likely to form.
- They don’t go after only people. Your irritation at a few bites is nothing compared to the diversity in the evolutionary arms race between mosquitoes and their prey.
- Only the mothers feed on blood. Other mosquito eat mostly plant nectar.
Most mosquito bites I get I don’t find out about until hours later.
If I remember correctly, mosquito mouth/tip is so especially made. That it does not cause any pain when it pokes through the skin. Some scientist even manage to use that to create needles that mimic the same behavior.
They do a really shitty job of ‘not irritating’ your skin. They get it right half the time. The only biological success they’ve had in evolution is that they are so freaking numerous. Ask a northern Ontarian Indigenous person who grew up in rocky swamps … you haven’t seen mosquitoes until you’ve breathed in clouds of them.
You speak truth.
Hello from the hell-swamps of Louisiana, where it’s Summer for 8-10 months a year and the mosquitos are an omnipresent scourge.
Bonus swarm: termite flights so densely packed that they show up as “weather” on radar.
Our summers up here are at their peak in June and July and on hot still windless evenings if you are caught out in the wild, it’s torturous. I can’t imagine what it would be like down there with a longer hot season. There’s a city near here called North Bay where every July the city on the shores of a large lake gets infested with swarms of shad flies, harmless bugs but so thick and numerous that the place ends up smelling like a giant tin of tuna.
In all fairness, since it’s more of a baseline experience, there are fewer mosquito swam clouds and more biological countermeasures like geckos and anoles that help snap ‘em up.
The sheer density of what they can look like in the high north is almost unimaginable to me. I think you’ve actually got the edge there still, and for that you have my sympathy.
That sounds awful. How do you guys manage? Just stay indoors?
I gave up on anything but DEET years ago. If they’re real bad though even that sometimes isn’t enough. That’s face net and baggy full body clothing time.
clouds of them
Baby, you got
a stewburgers going
The real question is at the evolutionary level which is, what the fuck do the little assholes get out of making their bite a slight irritation?
A tick can bury its head in the tip of dick, spend days sucking so much blood it’s an engorged blimp. Assuming I am blind and my arms are too short to reach my dick, the thing could be there for years and I would have no fucking clue it was there unless I got lime disease or someone else sees it.
Hyperbolic scenario with the whole dick tip thing but I have gotten back from hunting. Saw what looked like a scratch on my neck line, thought it was weird cuz I didn’t remember any prickers scratching me. Fast forward 3 days and I look in the mirror and see what looks like a skin tag. I’m like what the fuck, grab tweezers and rip it off to learn it was a fuckin tick sucking on my jugular for days. They are like the opposite of the mosquito, the tick releases a numbing agent or something so you don’t even feel the bite or the tick the whole time its on you.
Tldr: mosquitoes r dum 4 itching. Ticks r pros at stealth biting.
I am sure I read somewhere that they defecate in the hole after they have drawn blood and that is what causes the irritation. That does not sound as if they are particularly worried about being regarded as annoying, in fact it feels like they see it as a bonus.
That sounds completely made up. Why would they do that?
I definitely had that as vaguely factual, I thought heavy from blood they lightened the load before flying off and the hole was a too tempting target plus they enjoyed the symbolism. I asked ChatGPT and it said it was made up and was quite sneering about it so I suppose that is that.
You might be conflating with the housefly which will throw up on food it lands on because the enzymes break it down so they can suck it up.
I didn’t know mosquitoes enjoyed symbolism. Perhaps I can read them some Baudelaire next time
My understanding is that when they bite you, they also inject a bit of anticoagulant to prevent clotting as they suck blood out. The foreign material creates an allergic reaction that itches.
I don’t think there would be much of an evolutionary advantage to irritating your victim until they start a pesticidal war against you and your kind.
They just seemed to have the correct attitude to do it anyway.
Bitch they don’t care about your irritation, what in the hell has gotten into you 🤔
Neither do viruses, but as we’ve observed, they evolve too. Y’know, preserve their species and all that.
Oof i wasn’t actually irritated, just being a shmart arse, oops