Looking for anyone with experience with helping pick out hearing aides. It’s hard for him to describe what he doesn’t like about them so I can’t provide much in the way of specific issues. One thing he has said was that they change how loud some things are compared to how they should be which I think he means they will make certain pitches louder than other pitches so something like setting spoon on glass plate will be loud but the sound of a low voiced man talking is quiet when normally the low voices are the only ones he can hear. He is the typical old geezer so it’s easier to list all the numbers in Pi than it is to get him to a doctors office.

We have tried 2 different very expensive aids costing thousands each, we tried the new apple ones, he tried countless magazine ads hearing aids and doesn’t like any of them. He’s a very straight forward man so it’s not his way of getting around using them or that he’s embarrassed. He wants to find a pair he likes but he is also a very picky man who was a mechanical engineer so I feel like his expectations can be a little high sometimes for things to be perfect.

Just thought I’d see what other people’s experiences were with hearing aides and if there’s anything anyone can recommend.

  • NeoNachtwaechter@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    who was a mechanical engineer

    Tell him my greetings. I am an electrical engineer (I have even studied acoustics for several semesters) and I have made my jokes about mechanical engineers all my life. But I don’t think that they are actually stupid ;-)

    He’s a very straight forward man

    he is also a very picky man

    He is right about it. They are bad. The sad truth is: they are all less than perfect, and hard to endure.

    Scientists have improved them during the last 10 or 20 years, and they still have to improve them a lot more in the next 10 years or 20. Until then, everybody can only choose these current ones, that are less than good.

    But these devices are even worse if they are not adapted to the person.

    You can’t just buy them off the shelf and wear them like you do with a wooden leg, that has either the correct length or you cut off a little.

    You need to adapt many different parameters before they start to be somewhat helpful. It is because hearing is super complex.

    So regarding your question about the best device, it is neither the brand nor the price, but whether you (or your audiologist) can adapt it good to the person.

    This will take some weeks of trying it out, and then adapt again.

    This is the actual choice he needs to make:

    Either have the stamina to let somebody adapt the devices for him, then try them for a few weeks, and then repeat this for at least three rounds of adapting and trying. Or let it all be, and grow old as a deaf man.