Favorite: Orpheus busts Eurypedes out of Hades
Least favorite: Cronus eats all his babbies until one escape, grows up, kills him, and forces him to regurgitate all those other babbies.
You mean Eurydice?
Like: I guess I have to give it to Icarus and Daedalus. There’s something so sympathetically tragic about a kid who was just so excited to be free flying too close to the sun.
Dislike: Zeus disguises self and commits adultery, take your pick.
Honorable mention to Hades and Persephone; when I first heard this myth as a kid, Hades was painted in a villainous light where he kidnapped Persephone and then tricked her into eating the pomegranate seeds so she could never leave. But I prefer the reframing of the myth I see more often these days, where Persephone actually loved the unfairly maligned Hades and chose to elope with him.