Reflect at your own pace, not others’.
At my workplace, there is a line in one of the recent community letters which says “Marcus Aurelius valued input, but his decision was final.”
You aren’t changing everything about you, just the parts that need changing. Like remodeling the interior of a house, it may look completely different when you are in the process and when you are done but the structural parts of you are still there, holding up and protecting the new you.
Odds are you didn’t chsmge every room or the general layout either, just made some adjustments so you are more functional.
Be yourself = live true to your own principles
Try to change = better yourself to get closer to those principles + other secondary goals
Improving yourself can, of course, mean finding better principles to live by, as that may be where the problem was in the first place.
Did you bring anything that you made yourself or did it all come from somebody else…