Ardour is another great open source DAW along with Linux Studio Plugins
Just started exploring Linux Studio Plugins last weekend! I’ve heard Ardour is good, but I’m sticking to $0 options if I can help it. That way people don’t need access to credit cards, etc, to use the software
it’s open source so you can build it yourself (pain in the ass) and it comes pre built with many Linux distros but yeah that’s totally fair. I paid because I wanted to support the work and I’m a windows pleb
Didn’t realise it came with some Linux distros - cool! Sounds like something for me to spend a weekend looking into…
If you’re on Linux, its on flathub:
Ooooh nice going! Saved this post because once in a blue moon I come up with short jingles, and I’ve been wanting a software that can record MIDI stuff without lag.
Sounds like you need asio4all (or linux), and maybe an audio interface.
I’ve so far not had success with my Akai EIE Pro on Linux.
This is really dope. I try to do open source music and this is an amazing list of resources.
My pleasure :)
Awesome, thanks for sharing and making this effort! Bookmarked for later when I can listen to your work.
How do you feel about Audacity?
I was using Audacity for quick Normalization and other edits to my samples, but I’ve since learned I can do that inside OpenMPT (and save those edits back to file). Audacity does lack any form of “midi-esque” sequencing though, which is how I primarily work.
Having said that, Audacity has come a long with VST support, etc, since Muse Group got involved. But unfortunately, they also allegedly enforced data tracking in a way that didn’t respect the community that had supported it up until then. I actually don’t know what the latest is (someone else feel free to reply with the update), but it hasn’t been crucial enough in my workflow to keep up with.
audacity isn’t much more than an audio editor (a good one at that), nowhere the capability of a daw
Thank you so much for this! I never ever see anyone share open-source setups like this for non-hobby work, and it’s inspiring. :)
(Ramble incoming)
I noticed since jumping from windows I’m missing Ableton, and it’s been a mental block of knowing that I’ll need to choose a new way to do things. It’s daft as I loved ardour and LMMS back in 2014, and I’m sure they’re even better now :) I totally need to dedicate some time to music, it’s been a neglected piece of my soul for a bit too long. :)
Edit: also, Plug Data looks brilliant! I loved MaxMSP, and it got me into game making/coding. :)