PETG has always been more fraught than PLA for me but as of late it just looks like a mess.
I’m just trying to do calibration at this point and I’m getting this mess on the pressure advance test in Orca Slicer.
I get so much stringing, boogers, and just terrible prints. It didn’t used to be this bad. Any tips?
I’m using a Snapmaker Artisan.
It’s trying to print a pentagram.
Petg sucks up moisture. Dry your filament.
Yeah sounds like I may have to invest in a dryer then.
Use the box & heated bed method, there’s videos on it
How old is that spool? I use rapid PETG but I have noticed that print quality goes to shit quick when it absorbs too much moisture. Absolute garbage prints when they hit a certain point. Id crack a fresh spool to calibrate with and see if that remedies the situation.
It’s somewhat old but I keep them in dry boxes with silica beads and a hygrometer. The humidity never increased past 20% I believe. Usually stays around 15%.
Have you ever dried this filament? Silica beads won’t dry out filament, they will just keep the air in the box dry. I have definitely had to dry filament from the factory, especially PETG.
I have never dried it before, no.
Is this a new spool or an old spool? Have you printed this blend of PETG before? What does a temperature tower look like?
It’s a few months old. I have printed with it before and while it was never perfect it was never this bad. I’ll have to get back to you on a temp tower. I have one around somewhere.
I suggest printing a fresh temp tower. My bet is that temperature or retraction is off (have you fiddled with retraction lately) or the filament is super wet.