Every ops team has some manual procedures that they haven’t gotten around to automating yet. Toil can never be totally eliminated. Very often, the biggest toil center for a team at a growing …
What the author baptizes “do-nothing scripts” are interactive scripts that print out the steps of some procedure one by one and wait for you to confirm each step (eg. “1. do this. press enter when done” “2. do something else. press enter when done” and so forth).
@OP (if you are the author)
I HATE those sites where popups come up when you are halfway reading something.
What’s the idea behind it, besides annoying your users as much as possible?
What the author baptizes “do-nothing scripts” are interactive scripts that print out the steps of some procedure one by one and wait for you to confirm each step (eg. “1. do this. press enter when done” “2. do something else. press enter when done” and so forth).
@OP (if you are the author)
I HATE those sites where popups come up when you are halfway reading something.
What’s the idea behind it, besides annoying your users as much as possible?
Not my site, just sharing a link I saw on HN.