If you’re a terrible petson, maybe don’t follow that advice. For example, if you find yourself seig hailing, ever, maybe try being someone better.
If you’re a terrible petson, maybe don’t follow that advice. For example, if you find yourself seig hailing, ever, maybe try being someone better.
Supremely disagree.
Here’s a podcast episode I’ve heard today to illustrate the example of just how bad most “neurotypical” can be with simple social interactions:
Hidden Brain: We Need to Talk
Episode webpage: https://hiddenbrain.org/podcast/we-need-to-talk/
Media file: https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.mp3/tracking.swap.fm/track/0bDcdoop59bdTYSfajQW/stitcher.simplecastaudio.com/df179a36-a022-41e3-bf7c-b7a4efc6f51e/episodes/1f69dbf5-87e8-41ec-8014-f494020218d4/audio/128/default.mp3?aid=rss_feed&awCollectionId=df179a36-a022-41e3-bf7c-b7a4efc6f51e&awEpisodeId=1f69dbf5-87e8-41ec-8014-f494020218d4&feed=kwWc0lhf