N64 enthusiasts and modders have long faced the challenge of finding a replacement for the notoriously difficult to replicate controller analogue stick. RockerGaming has been working on a project called ‘Project Renaissance’ which aims to recreate the N64 stick with modern materials and quality-of-life improvements.

According to RockerGaming’s latest update, they have managed to design and create injection molds for most of the necessary parts. The process involves tuning these molds down to an incredibly precise degree, making them capable of producing extremely high-quality parts.

RockerGaming plans to release these parts one by one, starting with the analogue sticks and gates early next year. This approach will allow for thorough testing and refinement before moving on to full N64 module replacements.

Do you think these N64 controller parts will be widely embraced?

  • Shirasho@lemmings.world
    3 months ago

    Having high quality parts is one part of the equation. The other part is having good firmware with accurate deadzones. It is impossible to do precision tricks on off brand controllers without adapters.