No Man’s Sky -I never played it because of the horrible launch, but the devs have been grinding out new content and fixes. There are still some flaws with base building, glitches, etc. But overall its fun to zone out and explore space.
Been continuing my playthrough of bully on ps2 (emulated) since last week. About 35-40% in now. Really enjoying it. Controls are abit clunky and the story can seem a little incoherent at times (eg suddenly a character has disappeared from the school right after doing a mission where he was very much present), but overall it is just alot of fun. Not big on collecting things so wonder what % is needed to complete main story. But got my eyes open to ps2 catalogue now as i never owned this myself and there are lots of gems i have barely or never played before. Was recommended the other ps2-era rockstar games red dead revolver, the warrioes and manhunt last week and i will check those out later.
Intended to play some more neverwinter nights, but didnt find the time. Had a real dnd session tho
Mirror’s Edge, Hades, recently finished Celeste on my new steam deck.
Also a lot of web fishing on my PC
Prey (2017), killer immersive sim. Reminiscent of System Shock 2 mainly.
Prey is one fantastic game.
I’ve been playing a bunch of PS2 games thanks to PCSX2. It’s fucking awesome. I’ve finished the first Sly Cooper and I’m halfway through the second now. I’m super excited to play the third one again (the last time I played it I was probably 10-11 years old).
I’ve also been making my way through the Jak & Daxter games cause of course. After that I’m probably gonna play through the Ratchet& Clank games cause I never did.
Those are on my to-play list for ps2-games as well!
Skyrim again
I discovered Brutal Wolfenstein (a Doom II mod that replicates and enhances Wolfenstein 3D) so I’ve been slaughtering nazi scum for a while.
Sounds awesome. Definitely going to check this one out
Marvels Midnight Suns. Really wish it got a sequel but that’s not happening. I really enjoy the hangouts and exploring the grounds. And the cat.
Any game with a cat gets a +2 added to their score automatically. It’s the rules
Very good girl cat! She leveled all my characters!
I love some black cat love. My black cat gives me my motivation most days
After not touching it almost since launch, I’ve decided to check out The Last Starship again. It’s kind of a mix of FTL, Factorio and its own ideas, made by Introversion Software ( folks behind Prison Architect, Darwinia and other titles).
It’s developed in early access, with regular and pretty enjoyable updates (just like PA) and is shaping up pretty nicely so far.I still need to spend some more time diving deeper into all the new stuff added since my last playthrough but it feels just as fun as on launch so far.
Terra Firma Greg and Faster Than Light
Have you beaten FTL on Hard yet?