It is not because of a shortage of asphalt that potholes exist. It is a shortage of attention and money to fill said potholes.
Potholes are naturally occuring speed bumps and free.
The real question is: why are we spending resources creating speed bumps when pot holes accomplish the same thing?
There is enough to fill pot holes. The problem is sending out a team takes time and money. Cities tend to fix roads but not faster than they break down.
Speed bumps save lives, potholes save things to complain about for votes and money at election and budget time.
Asphalt has natural antigravity properties and tends to rise.
Because that’s where the political will is.
Most people don’t know this, but speed bumps are actually hollow. They use a balloon to make the shape, then pour a thin layer of asphalt over it for aesthetic reasons. This saves money on asphalt, which is popular with city councils, so the asphalt is typically saved for more speed bumps rather than filling potholes.
When pot holes were regularly filed, workers would pour gas on the tar to make sure they could eat and have a job next week.
Classic time theft/tar theft combo.