Much kinder than Reddit, people here know how to disagree and discuss things in a more constructive way.
Seconded. I’ve definitely had more discussions here than my last year on reddit. Reddit is just a rat race to get the most upvotes for flippant comments or you get downvoted for being nonconformist, especially in the big subs. Also, participants on lemmy with agendas tend to be way more transparent - as in political or pseudo-science. Far easier to avoid or block if need be.
Oh yeah? Well heck you and your dumb frickin position you stupy dumb dumby dumb idiot small smooth brain moron. I’m right youre wrong !!!1!1!1!1!1!2!
Yep! Even when I’ve disagreed with people, it’s been more of an exchange of knowledge rather than one person asking for citations and then proceeding to ignore them all.
It’s okay to disagree, sometimes you can learn from each other :)
Can you cite these comments or do I need to just believe you?
Being able to comment and post without jumping through arbitrary hoops. No automod bots telling me I need 10 karma to post, no oops sorry not allowed to share external links to other websites, no oh no sharing pictures in the comments below post. Lemmy aligns with the principles of respecting user interaction on a technical level and not choking the life out of you with corporate TOS regulation.
Lemmy is not perfect. I am not really politically or ideologically aligned with a lot of the stuff the community as a whole is into, so being constantly exposed to the same themes and propaganda over and over gets a little grating. However I’m happy to deal and tolerate as long as I feel respected by the platform as a intelligent person using an open free as in freedom discussion fourm and not made to feel like yet another drone fueling a corpo content mill.
That it doesn’t feel like a culture at all, that you have to adopt. There’s genuine discussion, not just a few top meme-comments and a sea of ignored participation.
That it doesn’t feel like a culture at all, that you have to adopt. There’s genuine discussion,
you have to adopt
I’m not ready for kids.
The Beans?
The Beans.
Citing sources
Lemmy culture? Nothing, lacks diversity. I often feel like I’m just talking to the same guy. Very rare to read views that don’t align with the groupthink.
EDIT: Okay, one thing that came to mind is that I can talk about autistic stuff that I do and nobody seems to question/judge it.
Isn’t that a good thing though? I would rather be around people that accept my fucked brain than people putting their hand on my knee to stop me from shaking my legs a la restless leg.
Though I do agree that a variation in opinion would be nice.
Apologies for saying this, but if I’m being completely honest about it, it’s more of what I hate less about the Lemmy culture, than I do the Reddit culture. The lesser of two evils kind of thing.
On the plus side, it does seem like it has less corporate censorship than Reddit does.
Alot of people are really helpful for any questions you might ask, as long as you are respectful
the big percentage of FOSS users, privacy enthusiats and the self-hosting community
It does feel like a bit of a purity contest/circlejerk to me at times though.
it does feel like that sometimes tho
Not the most extra ordinary of things but I do like that there is no (USA ?) babysitting when it comes to say fuck etc.
We have porn?
I like that there is a large contingent of actual socialists whether soc dems, anarchists or the dreaded tankies.
I like that there is a greater anti corporate mindset and I’m less likely to see someone justify something because “well what do you expect, businesses exist to make money”.
I like that there are so many Linux and open source enthusiasts. And privacy enthusiasts. Used to be big on Reddit but became more and more niche over time.
I like that there aren’t pun threads. Maybe that’s not really true culture but more contrast with Reddit.
I like that I first commented on this post two days ago, and other people are still conversing. I miss how conversations spanned over months/years in the early days of the internet. It feels cozy, especially since Reddit got so large that many posts burn out in hours, or are so popular that you’re just screaming into the void.
Also jeans
I just thought “You’ve heard of bananas in pajamas, now get ready for beans in jeans” and then my mind went the elf on a shelf meme where you’d depict it visually, and picturing an anthropomorphic bean wearing blue jeans, my mind looked at that and guessed “Kidneys in dungarees?”
Renals in jeanals