You should try non-filtered water with your coffee machine and see if it makes a difference in taste. Some coffee aficionados actually re-add minerals after filtering the water
Yes, I have actually tried it. For my coffee machine I don’t notice a difference.
But at work we have a really nice espresso machine where we added a filter that adds magnesium to the water. There it really made a difference.
I have a Brita. But I only use it for my coffee machine and my steamer so I don’t have to descale them so often.
You should try non-filtered water with your coffee machine and see if it makes a difference in taste. Some coffee aficionados actually re-add minerals after filtering the water
Yes, I have actually tried it. For my coffee machine I don’t notice a difference. But at work we have a really nice espresso machine where we added a filter that adds magnesium to the water. There it really made a difference.