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Tarlogic Security has detected a backdoor in the ESP32, a microcontroller that enables WiFi and Bluetooth connection and is present in millions of mass-market IoT devices. Exploitation of this backdoor would allow hostile actors to conduct impersonation attacks and permanently infect sensitive devices such as mobile phones, computers, smart locks or medical equipment by bypassing code audit controls.
Update: The ESP32 “backdoor” that wasn’t.
Does anyone know where it is that we can find these new commands? I have an esp32 dev kit just a few feet away from me as i read this. It might be interesting to know what these new product “features” are.
The rebuttal wasn’t as comforting as some are making it out to be. They seem to be more interested in the semantics of it not being a backdoor tied to a specific product, which appears to be true.
Rather it is a potential for vulnerability that exists in all wireless implementation, which seems to me to be a bigger issue.
Haha. I wear cheap Chinese bluetooth literally on my skull like 95% of the time, web when sleeping.
Hope they enjoy my thoughts.
This isn’t a backdoor. Just a company trying to make name for themselves by sensationalizing a much smaller discovery.
Seriously this. Every single IC which has digital logic contains some number of undocumented test commands used to ensure it meets all the required specifications during production. They’re not intended to be used for normal operation and almost never included in datasheets.
Please update the title of this post to mention the update
How so?
You can edit post titles as well as content (even images!) on Lemmy.
Idk maybe specify that it was determined to not be a backdoor. Right now it reads as anti-china fear mongering.
Weird that they removed the reference to ESP32, one of the most common and widely known microcontrollers, from the headline.
It’s because the security company basically lied about this being a vulnerability, and probably opened themselves up to a lawsuit.
Fukin dmnit! I just spent the last several months fine tuning a PCB design supporting this platform. I have , what i believe to be my last iteration, being sent to fab now. I have to look i to this. My solution isnt using bluetooth, so i dont know if im vulnerable.
Go for it. It’s a bullshit attention grab. No backdoor, just some undocumented vendor commands (which is the norm for virtually every chip out there).
The exploit requires physical access. It’s not exploitable in 99% of cases
Its not a backdoor, you’re most likely fine.
This sounds like there are some undocumented opcodes on the HCI side – the Host Computer Interface – not the wireless side. By itself, it’s not that big a deal. If someone can prove that there’s some sort of custom BLE packet that gives access to those HCI opcodes wirelessly, I’d be REALLY concerned.
But if it’s just on the host side, you can only get to it if you’ve cracked the box and have access to the wiring. If someone has that kind of access, they’re likely to be able to flash their own firmware and take over the whole device anyway.
Not sure this disclosure increases the risk any. I wouldn’t start panicking.
So explained to me, a tech illiterate in comparison, this is China bad scaremongering?
‘Backdoor’ sounds malicious with intent.Pull up a chair and pour yourself a stiff beverage…
TLDR: Don’t Panic.
If you have a regular old processor (MCU) and want to give it wireless capability, you can buy a wireless chip and stick it next to the processor, then have the MCU talk to it through a wired connection (typically UART or SPI). Think of it as the old ATDT commands that had your PC control your old screeching modems.
To standardize this communication protocol, folks came up with the Host Controller Interface (HCI) so you didn’t have to reinvent that protocol for every new chip. This was handy for people on the MCU side, since they could write firmware that worked with any wireless chip out there, and could swap out for a cheaper/faster one with minimal change.
Fast forward to the era of integrated MCU+wireless, where you had a little ARM or other lightweight processor plus a little radio, and the processor could run programs in a high-level API that abstracted out the low level wireless stuff. Plus, you could use the same radio for multiple wireless protocols, like BLE, wifi, ANT, etc. Nordic and TI were early adopters of this method.
Typically, it was the vendor’s own processor talking to their own wireless module, but they still implemented the full HCI interface and let it be accessed externally. Why? So if your design needed an extra beefy processor and used the MCU+wireless chip as a simple communication module, this would still work. The teeny MCU could be used to run something extra in parallel, or it could just sit idle. A typical example could be a laptop or cell phone. The little MCU is too small for everything else, so you pair it with a big chip and the big chip drives the little chip through HCI.
Sure, it would be cheaper if you just went with a basic ‘dumb’ wireless chip, as folks from CSR, Broadcom, and Dialog kept pointing out. But the market demanded integrated chips so we could have $10 activity trackers, fancy overpriced lightbulbs, and Twerking Santas (
For integrated MCU+wireless chips, most vendors didn’t release the super low-level firmware that ran between them. There was no need. It was internal plumbing. They exposed SDKs so you could control the wireless chip, or high-level Bluetooth/wifi APIs so you could connect and talk to the outside world in a few lines of code. These SDKs were unique to each vendor (like Nordic’s nRF Connect library, or TI’s SimpleLink SDK).
Then along came Espressif out of Shanghai, China with a combo chip (ESP8266) that offered processor + wifi and was so cheap and easy to program that it took the hobbyist market by storm. Oh, god… so many LED light strips, perfect for Christmas and blinky EDM lightup outfits (hello, Adafruit:
Fast forward and Espressif drops the ESP32. A bigger, faster Tensilica Xtensa processor, with built-in flash storage, plus wifi, Bluetooth, and BLE in one place. Plus lots of peripherals, busses, and IO pins. Also, running FreeRTOS and eventually Arduino SDKs, and MicroPython. All for less than $5! It took off like a rocket. So many products. Plus, you could run them as little webservers. Who doesn’l love a little webserver in their pocket?
It’s gone through a few variations, including swapping out the Tensilica with an open-source RISC-V MCU, but otherwise it’s a massive seller and the gateway drug for most IoT/Smarthome nerds.
So along come these Tarlogic researchers, looking to build a direct USB to bluetooth library. This way, you can drive the wireless from, say Linux, directly. There are already BLE to USB stacks, but this one is giving access at the HCI level, in a C library. Handy if you’re doing research or developing drivers, but not the sort of thing your typical DIY pereon needs.
As part of their process, the researchers decide to dump the really low level ESP32 firmware and reverse engineer it.
A typical HCI implementation is a giant event loop that handles HCI opcodes and parameters. Host wants to talk to the outside world, it sets up some registers, configures the unique MAC address, then opens a channel and starts sending/receiving (hopefully without the modem screeching tones). There are typical packet encoders and decoders, multiple ISO/TCP layers, and the sort of thing that most people assume somebody else has gotten right.
For fancier implementations, there may be interrupt or DMA support. Sometimes, there’s a multi-tasking part under the hood so they can time-slice between wifi, bluetooth, and ble (aka Fusion or Coexistence support). Not that you should care. The internals of this stuff is usually nobody’s business and the vendors just include a binary blob as part of their SDK that handles things. The host systems just talk HCI. The wireless side talks HCI on the wired side, and wireless on the radio side. Everyone’s happy.
In the process of reverse engineering the low-level HCI blob, these researchers found a few extra undocumented HCI opcodes. They’re not sure what they’re for, but according to their presentation ( if my super rusty Spanish holds up, it has to do with setting MAC addresses and handling low-level Link-Level Control Protocol communications (
Now in an of itself, this is no big deal. ESP32s already let you easily set your own temporary MAC address (, so there has to be a way to override the manufacturer one. And LLCP management is a totally geeky low-level thing that the MCU needs when handling wireless packets. There are perfectly good reasons why the opcodes would be there and why Espressif may not have documented them (for example, they could be used only during manufacturing QA).
So the original presentation is a teeny bit of an exaggeration. Yes, the opcodes exists. But are they nefarious? Should we stick all our ESP32s inside Faraday cages? Is this a secret plan for the CCP to remotely control our lights and plunge the world into chaos?
As I said before, ONLY if there’s a secret as-yet-undiscovered wireless handshake that gives remote wireless access to these (or really, pretty much any other published HCI opcode). That presentation most definitely doesn’t claim that.
To see if there is a REAL backdoor, you should wait for an analysis from fine professional wireless debugging vendors like Ellisys (starting models run $30K and up), Frontline, or Spanalytics.
Incidentally, Tarlogic, the group that put out that paper have their own BLE analyzer product ( They look to know their stuff, so they should know better than putting out clickbait-y hair-on-fire reports. But come on, who can resist a good CCP/backdoor headline? Will media run with this and blow it out of proportion? No way!
If you’ve read this far, you must safely be on your third drink or the edible’s just kicked in. Stop panicking, and wait until the pro sniffer and Bluetooth forum people give their opinions.
If it turns out there is an actual WIRELESS backdoor, then by all means, feel free to panic and toss out all your Smarthome plugs. Go ahead and revert to getting up and flicking on your light switch like a peasant. Have a sad, twerk-free Christmas.
But over a few undocumented HCI opcodes? Have another drink and relax.
Happy Sunday.
PS: controversy already up on wikipedia:
PPS: you may want to stock up on ESP32s for your light-up Christmas light project. Don’t be surprised if Espressif doesn’t get smacked with some hard tariffs or an outright ban, based on these ragebait headlines 🤷🏻♂️
Edit: DarkMentor offers a little more detail on the nature of the opcodes:
The article is a security company trying to hype their company with a theoretical attack that currently has no hypothetical way to be abused
The article has an update now fixing the wording to “hidden feature” but, spoilers, every BT device has vendor specific commands.
The documentation of the part just wasn’t complete and this companies “fuzzing” tool found some vendor commands that weren’t in the data sheet
The China part just came from OP
The article is a security company
trying to hype their companyruining their reputation in an incredibly ill-thought out attack that companies will ABSOLUTELY remember.Even worse, it just makes this security company look incompetent. Like a home security company that announces a huge vulnerability in Schlage locks- there’s a key that can unlock the lock included with every lock sold!!11!!!11!one!
I agree, but unfortunately, this has become common since Heartbleed, and they seem to be able to sell their snake oil to CTOs…
thank you
I hate it when an attacker who already has root access to my device gets sightly more access to the firmware. Definitely spin up a website and a logo, maybe a post in Bloomberg.
We really should be pushing for fully open source stack (firmware, os) in all iot devices. They are not very complicated so this should be entirely possible. Probably will need a EU law though.
Open source stack will not prevent this. It’s not even a backdoor, it’s functionality that these researches think should be hidden from programmers for whatever reason.
Open source devices would have this functionality readily available for programmers. Look at rtl-sdr, using the words of these researches, it has a “backdoor” where a TV dongle may be used to listen to garage key fobs gasp everyone panic now!
thats a very fair point, I had not seen anyone else make this one But the problem is that in this case, this functionality was entirely undocumented. I dont think it was intended for programmers.
Now if the firmware was open source, people would have gotten to know about this much sooner even if not documented. Also such functionality should ideally be gated somehow through some auth mechanism.
Also just like how the linux kernel allows decades old devices to be at the very least patched for security risks, open firmware would allow users of this chip to patch it themselves for bugs, security issues.
Yeah, of course, it would be better in many ways if the firmware wasn’t closed.
Backdoored devices are useful for people who can impede that.
And the way EU is approaching privacy, surveillance and all such, - oh-hoh-ho, I don’t think there will be a EU law.
The other day someone posted in Canada community that Canada should stop using Tesla cars and import Chinese cars. I replied saying, “That’s like replacing one evil with another.” I was downvoted by a lot of people. I should’ve expected it cuz a lot of people have short term memory.
Because that’s not about privacy, that’s about the trade war. Retaliatory tariffs on US cars increase cost of cars for Canadians, as there are almost no car assembled in Canada. Reducing or eliminating tariffs on cars from China would lower cost of new cars for Canadians while keeping the tariffs up.
For privacy and security, not a single new car on the market is decent right now. That should be regulated, but that’s no concern for any politician at the moment.
Europe and its 50 car makers could also be considered instead of China…
Yes, but Canada had implemented 100% tariff on cars from China, following the US. That’s pre-trade war. The proposal is to lift that one.
Ah, I see. Thanks!
CCP has backdoor into every tech that comes out of China. It’s not about just privacy. They control democracies based on shaping narratives. They’ll utilize everything that democracy offers and use it against countries. They don’t have freedom of speech or press so they themselves are not victims of it. EVs are really just computers on the road. Flooding the market with Chinese EVs would just mean creating a massive free network on a foreign soil for them.
All cars are computers on the road at this point, not just EVs…
While technically true, that’s not what I meant. For example, Tesla Model 3 has AMD Ryzen chip. It is a full fledged computer CPU. Although my Toyota surely has a computer onboard, it’s nowhere close to this level of tech in the Tesla. EVs from China are at the same or higher level tech-wise compared to Teslas.
Summary: China is not a friend country. It’s a hostile country. Yes, we know.
But the news is… so is the USA to Canada now. A hostile country threatening to annex Canada and trying to cripple the economy as a way to achieve the goal. So either we slap 100% tariffs on US made cars, which would hurt Canadians, or we apply the same tariffs on Chinese cars, so reduce them from where they are at the moment.
All I meant was flooding the market with Chinese cars isn’t a huge security threat to the country. There’s another alternative. European cars.
A lot of people are dumb. Or maybe because they feel offended because they are Chinese, but the reality is that every Chinese company is ultimately controlled by the CCP. If I was fighting a cold war, I would do the same. Sell compromised devices to my trade partners (AKA enemies) so I have leverage when I need it.
the reality is that every Chinese company is ultimately controlled by the CCP.
But in the same way that every US company is ultimately controlled by the US Government. And every EU company by them. And every other country by their own government.
There’s been a lot of that lately. Same here in New Zealand.
You dipshits, they’re both the bad guys now.
People act like traditional car manufacturers don’t exist anymore even though they all offer EV options…
Everyone has short-term memory and long-term memory. You’re misunderstanding precisely what “short-term memory” refers to. Short-term memory is held for a short time before it’s converted to long-term memory. What you’re referring to is being short-sighted. As in people who don’t fully think about the long-term consequences of current actions. Said short-sighted people still have both short and long-term memory. They’re probably just a little dumb so they don’t fully utilize the memories stored long-term.
Jesus. Okay. So when you say, “being short sighted”, you don’t literally mean the geometry of their eyes is myopic. You mean it figuratively. Exactly like the person you are correcting clearly means it figuratively when they say “short-term memory”.
This turned racist / xenophobic real quickly.
There have been several other posts about this without mentioning China at all, especially in the post itself.
No where in the article does it say “chinese”, literally anywhere.
Check your racism.
Edited to remove where I stated it was manufactured. I did a quick search and found a couple mentions, but did not thoroughly check sourced. Apologies.
I agree we shouldn’t be racist against Chinese people, but you’re ignorant. From wikipedia: ESP32 is created and developed by Espressif Systems, a Chinese company based in Shanghai, and is manufactured by TSMC using their 40 nm process.It is a successor to the ESP8266 microcontroller.
So it’s designed/developed in China and manufactured in Taiwan; not China.
Dog whistling.
This has nothing to do with the chip or who makes it.
It’s the way it’s written.
You missed the point.
Gold medal for your performance in mental gymnastics.
Like how I clearly said the article had been posted before without mentioning China, especially in the article itsef, never mind in the post? Which obviously shows it was more about the title of the post?
I bow to YOUR mental gymnastics and ignorance combined with brute confidence.
Tell me you don’t know anything about anti racism without telling me you don’t know anything about anti racism.
Read a book.
You’ll sound less stupid (maybe).
But you don’t think buying a Tesla, Tesla stock, makes you a Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer so…
This is why we’re in the state are in.
Poison thrown at the wrong people.
I’m not stealing your money, firing you, taking away your rights as a human being. I don’t think you’re a ‘parasite’.
I’m not the 1%, neither are you.
Focus on the real enemy. Then things will get done.
I actually wanted to keep the title short, but I think it would be better to edit the title to avoid any confusion to make it clear that it’s manufactured in China, rather than saying it in the current way.
Edit: I edited the title to reflect the details better.
So instead of blatant racism based on a lie, you’re just going to dogwhistle racism based on a lie.
Thank you, your explanation / edit is much appreciated 👏 🥳 ❤️
💜Thank you for correcting me.
I edited it now 😄
Also, thank you for showing people that there’s space for these types of comments that lead to a pleasant and meaningful exchange!
This means more to me than you know 🥹
Appreciate you!
No. Fuck the Chinese. All 17billion of them.
The Chinese adding back doors into their software/hardware.
Say it ain’t so!
Say it ain’t so
Your bug is a heartbleeder
Say it ain’t so
My NIC is a bytetakerLike a PRISM for China, is every powerful country just backdooring each other?
Thats hot.
I’d like to know if this is just a firmware update or unfixable, but sadly this seems just an ad rather than news
It is not easy to determine how fixable this is. IIRC, the ESP32 has the wireless stack hidden from user space, and I am not sure if it is a blob included during link time, or if it is stored in a ROM of the chip. I do have the chips and the development enviroment in my studio, but (luckily) I decided to use a different chip for my project.
But I know there is a load of systems using either the ESP32 as their main processor, or as an auxiliary processor to add WiFi or BT capabilities, so this really is a big oh shit moment.
I couldn’t find a list of devices. Anyone else find one?
The article is talking about the Espressif ESP32 micro controller (has Wi-Fi/Classic Bluetooth/BLE).
I don’t know if the variants of this chip also have the same vulnerability (my guess is yes). As someone who works on this chip, I’m interested in more discourse on this matter.
Yeah, I caught the ESP32 part and tried to search for what devices these chips were built into, but couldn’t find one. I was curious how widespread the flaw was - as in, what consumer or infrastructure devices they might be in.
Oh those kind of devices. Its very popular for hobbyists and self-designed devices or cheap IoT products. Don’t know the market presence outside Asia but its quite popular in India due to its low cost.
I’d also like to hear more. I have at least a dozen of these in my house.