By specific, I mean not general fears like fear of heights or spiders.
Very specific weird fear:
One time, when I was a kid, I was on a road trip and we stopped at a McDonalds for some food and to use the bathroom. I went into the bathroom and the floor, walls and ceiling all had the same tile covering them. I don’t know why, but when the door closed, I was so fucking terrified I made it halfway to the toilet and then turned around and ran out. It was such a strange experience and I have no idea why it got to me that bad.
I’m afraid of horses because their mouth is in their fucking nose and they have big scaring teeth.
Skil-saw blade coming off and hitting me in the face
Getting my eyeball cut by a snake plant or “Mother in Laws tongue”. Too many close calls as a child
Losing all of my memories, and therefore proof that I’ve lived, to hereditary dementia.
This guy gave me a lot of nightmares when I was 6 to 11 years old. Maybe because it showed up abruptly from a side of the screen
The fear that humanity will never accomplish our full potential and will kill ourselves within the next century or 2.
That and the open endless ocean
That this 80 year old psychopath has nukes and when he faces a fatal medical diagnosis is 100% of the “if i cant have it nobody will” mentality. Now that I think of it there are at least 2 more of these type of psychos leading nations sitting on nuclear arsenals now. Yea, we’re fucked! Shoulda scuttled nukes while we had a chance. Certainly before we elected a toddler with a loaded handgun.
Is it really you?
No, but its a fun joke
Haha agreed. Although I still have yet to get the DM.
Oh, something political related? You should get outta the house more…
That the shadowy creatures I see creep by every single corner, just out of sight, are actually real.
I have an irrational fear of Beaker of the Muppets.
I’m terrified that I smell bad and nobody is telling me.
I had this one friend who smelled like piss one day and everybody I knew was afraid to say something. I sometimes think about that situation and if it was the right thing to brush it off and not tell him or to tell the guy.
My car breaking down at a railroad crossing while a train is coming towards me.
That I’ll die before my kids are adults and I won’t be there to prepare them for the world.
The MAGAstapo breaks down my door at 2 AM
… seriously? I mean, that sucks, and I’m sorry.
This is seriously a fear of yours? Do you think many others having such fears? What exactly is the magastapo?
It’s the intense feelings, the “us vs them” mentality in politics that hate to the core.
Well all they would have to do is have a green card and have been involved in the “wrong kind” of protest apparently.
deleted by creator
OP: “my fear is the government disappearing me in the night”
You: “pff that doesn’t happen, you’re overreacting”
Me: “it does happen to x people”
You: “oh well don’t be one of those people”Brilliant. Yes, OP is the problem, not that the government is kidnapping people when they show political dissent.
Waking up to find my partner dead. I used to leave for work while she was still deeply asleep so every morning before I kissed her goodbye I would have that moment of terror that when my lips touch her she would be cold.