American here. Granted, the tea stands on its own merit. But if not for TNG I probably would still be drinking standard Lipton like my parents did.
No, I drink Earl grey daily, but I didn’t even knew (until a couple of moments ago) that it was Picard’s drink. I first had one on a train in Russia, and fell in love with it. The ones I have today are not the same as that one but still very good.
It definitely made me want to like Earl Grey. It’s just not my jam though. It even made me start trying all the different teas I could find because I wanted to be cultured enough to have a preferred tea. I even tried Lapsang Souchong which is basically barbecue tea.
Turns out tea is pretty easy to drink and I’m pretty basic. Oolong, black, or green are great.
British, Earl Grey is my go to, not sure why but probably started while working at a coffee shop.
I’m more of a bloodwine guy.
Earl Grey with double Bergamot. It hits so hard
Not a huge fan, but I do get Yorkshire Gold when I can find it, because it’s Patrick Stewart’s preferred tea IRL.
How different is it from regular Yorkshire?
I even would say “tea, Earl Grey, hot” as I was nuking the water in the microwave.
I still do. At one job my manager said, “Don’t forget your coffee,” that I had left on his desk, and I proudly said, That’s not coffee, it’s Tea, Earl Grey, Hot." He took a closer look and said, “It doesn’t look like tea, Earl Grey, hot.” I replied, “It has milk, two percent, cold.” Sigh, you don’t see days like that anymore.
I drank Earl Grey even before I was aware of TNG. For me, the smell of loose dry Earl Grey is by far the most appealing smell ever. The brewed tea loses some of that aroma, but not that much.
Yeah man but it was more the first tea I tried and branched out from there. Still my favorite though
I learned to love Earl Grey organically, but I do like that Picard loves it too.
Yes, and I like it.
But I’m really more of a Chai tea man.
Look, I don’t print the packaging. It’s the one spiced with cinnamon and cardamom.
I prefer the Stash brand.
Earl Grey because of Picard, green tea because of anime, coffee because of my grandma, herbal infusions because mom only liked those.
I think my only individual beverage choice has been tepache, a mild fermentation of pineapple. It has a lot of sugar, so don’t drink it a lot.
I tried it because it was the captain’s favourite. Regrettably, bergamot oil is not for me.
As an Earl Gray drinker, no. I don’t watch ST.
Yes 100%
And it’s my favorite tea.