I’m just getting into 3d printing and I’m looking for some recommendations. My budget is $400 and I’ve narrowed it down to the sv06+ or the Ender-3 V3. I like that the print size is bigger on the sv06+ but all reviews point to the Ender, do you guys have any recommendations for me?
Also maybe the bambu a1? Or a1 mini? I don’t like that the firmware isn’t open source though.
I’m OK tinkering but just want some insight.
I know this isn’t on your list, but someone recommended the Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro here and I love it. Apparently the 4 Pro is faster, which would be a bonus. Here is why I love it, but might take it off your list.
I don’t know anything about what you’re looking at, but good luck with whatever you choose.
Edit: I forgot to add, make sure you get filament ahead of time. It didn’t ship with my order and they give you very little to start with.
If you get the 4 pro, keep in mind it has auto bed leveling but if its uneven beyond the ability of the software it doesn’t have bed screws. I’ve had to shim mine with foil to make it level Edit: I’m dumb i have the 3 pro sorry ;-;
That’s good to know. I was thinking of upgrading to the 4 (or maybe next) if it was that much faster. Have you had experience to compare the 3 and 4?
I’ve only had the 4, but it serves me pretty well. I do have some issues with calibration sometimes but it’s pretty fixable with some tinkering. I think theferalengineer on youtube also has some videos about the neptune 3 and 4, he’s where I figured out how to put klipper on my 4 pro. Edit: I’m dumb I have the 3 pro sorry!