“In Los Angeles 2099, Cora lived her entire life on the run, a chameleon forced to adopt numerous identities. To secure a stable future for her brother, she assumes one final identity and is forced to partner with Olwen, a Replicant who’s confronting the end of her life.”
The director is not Denis Villeneuve, its someone who has never directed a movie before :(
Ugh! Well, I guess that’s the end of that.
is this real?? I cant take it seriously with that googly eye on her forehead.
Pretty sure that’s a shot from “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once”.
ok that is better, I thought these were all from the show and I was like… am I missing something here. Thank you, I was.
That is likely the most award winning googly eye of all time
Is this another one of those second screen experiences? I can’t get excited about these direct to streaming movies no matter how big the names and budget. Damn fools did it to themselves.
It’s a tv miniseries, not a movie.
Great. Can we get a new cyberpunk IP though?
INTERGALACTIC: THE HERETIC PROPHET, a new Naughty Dog game in the works looks like it might be Cyberpunk themed. It’s SciFi at least.
Personally, I think the video game The Ascent is the best new cyberpunk IP to come out in a long time. It’s such a fully-realized world I assumed it must’ve been based on a TTRPG or something but nope, brand new IP.
Didn’t they already make this movie with the guy from Breaker High?
It’s a tv miniseries, not a movie.
I’m… cautiously optimistic due to Fallout being a good amazon prime show.