Blood donation can help reduce Micoplastics and PFAS in your blood.
How? By just removing the plastics with your blood and forcing your body to make new blood? Wouldn’t that mean the microplastics just go to the recipient of your blood donation?
Blood donation can help reduce Micoplastics and PFAS in your blood.
How? By just removing the plastics with your blood and forcing your body to make new blood? Wouldn’t that mean the microplastics just go to the recipient of your blood donation?
as a starting point to learn about a new topic
No. I’ve used several models to “teach” me about subjects I already know a lot about, and they all frequently get many facts wrong. Why would I then trust it to teach me about something I don’t know about?
to look up a song when you can only remember a small section of lyrics
No, because traditional search engines do that just fine.
when you want to code a block of code that is simple but monotonous to code yourself
See this comment.
suggest plans for how to create simple sturctures/inventions
I guess I’ve never tried this.
Anything with a verifyable answer that youd ask on a forum can generally be answered by an llm, because theyre largely trained on forums and theres a decent section the training data included someone asking the question you are currently asking.
Kind of, but here’s the thing, it’s rarely faster than just using a good traditional search, especially if you know where to look and how to use advanced filtering features. Also, (and this is key) verifying the accuracy of an LLM’s answer requires about the same about of work as just not using an LLM in the first place, so I default to skipping the middle-man.
Lastly, I haven’t even touched on the privacy nightmare that these systems pose if you’re not running local models.
Creating software is a great example, actually. Coding absolutely requires reasoning. I’ve tried using code-focused LLMs to write blocks of code, or even some basic YAML files, but the output is often unusable.
It rarely makes syntax errors, but it will do things like reference libraries that haven’t been imported or hallucinate functions that don’t exist. It also constantly misunderstands the assignment and creates something that technically works but doesn’t accomplish the intended task.
I’m using it in an actual office, so I got the silent red switches, and its the quietest mechanical keyboard I’ve ever used. I’m not sure how it compares to the Keychron Q6.
Personally I have yet to find a use case. Every single time I try to use an LLM for a task (even ones they are supposedly good at), I find the results so lacking that I spend more time fixing its mistakes than I would have just doing it myself.
If you think of LLMs as something with actual intelligence you’re going to be very unimpressed… It’s just a model to predict the next word.
This is exactly the problem, though. They don’t have “intelligence” or any actual reasoning, yet they are constantly being used in situations that require reasoning.
Roughly 10 million.
I would consider 1/3 a notable contender. Granted, only ~1 million of those users are active daily, but that’s still very significant for a FOSS alternative.
EDIT: Source
I just tried it out and it’s really nice!
I literally read “The Black History” 4 times in utter confusion.
I see you’ve got biceps to spare.
Shame / embarrassment is an extremely powerful teacher, for better or worse.
The current theory is that shame evolved in humans as a survival mechanism to keep humans in groups. Shame is our brain’s corrective tool to avoid behavior that would ostracize us from a social group. If an early human were outcast by their tribe, their chances of survival or reproduction plummeted.
They’ll be fine. I don’t think Apple can trademark something as common as “Hello” in French, and it looks like this project is based in France.
It also poses zero threat to Apple, since this doesn’t compete with any of their products or services.
It’s the Overly-VerboseCommandSyntax in PowerShell that always grinds my gears.
Please, do not vape or smoke while on estrogen. That will significantly increase your chance of blood clots.
“This is a piece of shit made by me.”
My new favorite pull request title.
9 weeks?! Must be taking a hormone nuke.
This is just the beginning!
Weren’t these released for free a few years ago? Now they’re trying to sell them again?
EDIT: Apparently that was a temporary promotional deal on Origin with the release of The Sims 4.
I’m pretty sure Mythic Quest did an episode about this.
This is a great idea. While devs could circumvent this by just pushing small, meaningless updates to refresh the timer, truly abandoned projects would still be flagged.