For those who just wanna know: cards at the time performed math on brightness values assuming a linear brightness scale when it should be logarithmic.
I do this to my silicon vendor. I apparently made some people’s lives very uncomfortable for a good while this past year after I decompiled some of their binary blobs.
That explains why Doom 3’s shading looked so bad
Mhm yes, is this going to fuck up older games?
That moment when there’s one company with which you’d almost be OK if they turned into a monopoly (still no, though).
Removed by mod
Couldn’t have even changed the obnoxious thread title from when you stole this from reddit?
I just crossposted it from Lemmy and didn’t bother changing the title. I’m not the one who took it from Reddit so calm down.
Okay, I just looked and it was who originally posted it to Lemmy so they’re probably the one who “stole” the title from Reddit. Be mad at them.