In reference to:
I use Void btw
Image text:
Most people rejected his message.
“Systemd is Satan’s creation! Pure Evil!”
They hated Talking Pig because He told them the truth.
Upvoted because it belongs in this community, and should not be silenced, even though it is the wrong opinion
I don’t really get the hate for systemd. At least for someone who started really using Linux after it was introduced, it always seemed easier to control and manage than the init.d stuff.
Obviously it’s a hassle to migrate if you have a ton of legacy services, but it’s pretty nice.
It’s because you now need to do
systemctl restart sshd
instead of/etc/init.d/sshd restart
, I see no other reason than having to learn new syntax.Arguably, init.d scripts were easier to understand, and systemd is a bit of a black box, it somehow works, but who knows where it writes logs or saves the process pid (it’s all in the documentation somewhere), with init.d script you can just open the script itself and look.
I think it’s okay to not 100% know every little detail of how a system works, as long as it’s possible to find out what you need when you need it.
This post was sponsord by the Backdoor Buddies
Don’t minimize those strengths. Init.d scripts are something you can figure out just knowing a bit of shell script, or historical knowledge from before there was an internet. For something I rarely use, why do I need to learn something more complex to do the same thing - I either haven’t been sold on all the new functionality they piled in or do not need it. After all these years crowing about the Unix/linux way being many independent flexible tools that can work together, why do we now have this all-in-one monstrosity that might as well have come directly from Microsoft?
Install what you want we’re in the land of the free (and open source software) here
You don’t have to use systemd. However, the rest of the world left you behind. Systemd isn’t controversial since everyone has adopted it. No one is making you use it but keep in mind you are a very small minority. The rest if the community moved on after systemd was release 10 years ago.
This is fine for the memes but outside of that it is silly.
Windows isn’t controversial since everyone has adopted it. No one is making you use it but keep in mind you are a very small minority.
Hexbear user spotted (or at least that’s what my first impression is with the weird image)
Windows isn’t controversial since everyone uses it. That’s a true fact.
Hexbear user spotted (or at least that’s what my first impression is with the weird image)
Heck no, that’s just an ancient meme to indicate it’s just banter/harmless trolling, not an attempt at serious discourse.
The more you know I guess. I wasn’t on the internet in 2008.
Poettering worked for Red Hat from 2008 to 2022.[2][3] He then joined Microsoft.
In 2017, Poettering received the Pwnie Award for Lamest Vendor Response to vulnerabilities reported in systemd.
This Mastodon stream from Lennart Poettering describes a sudo replacement — called run0 — that will be part of the upcoming systemd 256 release. It takes a rather different approach to the execution of privileged commands, avoiding the use of setuid (which he calls “SUID”) permissions entirely.
Basically Microsoft bloat confirmed, everyone switch back to OpenRC lol
system d struggle sessions should be integrated into SystemD
It’s not evil. It’s merely
- the wrong tool
- built wrong
- on wrong principles
- by a bad team
- who has poor coding and interaction
and now RedHat’s wunderkinder has moved onto Microsoft where he’s a better fit. Ideally, we can go back to Linux again.
As someone who ran security for an enterprise OS company, I can’t see why there’s any debate on this. Are we used to choosing comfy things despite the safety concerns, now, or just when Lennart shits them out?
I’ve never really had issues with systemd, but I must say when I was setting up void I did really enjoy the runit init system 🤷♂️
Yeah, I’m planning to switch from Arch to Gentoo. Systemd isn’t the only reason, but it’s a big one.
(Yes, I know about Artix, but it’s… kindof a Frankenstein’s monster, still mostly depending on the Arch repos and still with certain relics of Systemd. Or at least it was when I last tried it.)
If you like Arch you might like Void, it has roughly similar ideals and a very fast package manager. No AUR equivalent though.
It can build packages from source like Gentoo though if I remember right
I still can’t wrap my head around why SystemD has become the defacto standard & why aren’t devs trying out OTHER init-systems
- It was doing new things.
- It was easier to learn.
- The other init systems were (are) stagnant.
Imagine trying to get new, young developers to adopt C or Pascal when the likes of Rust and Python exist. You can make arguments for a thing’s superiority based on moral standards (which are always subjective), but morality is a poor metric. If everything was done based on that, the Linux ecosystem would be in the same state as the GNU Hurd kernel.
It’s pretty good at starting services. It just keeps adding bundled things people wouldn’t use otherwise, in a fairly microsoft fashion
Is systemD open source ?
Hueheue i use artix btw
This is high art.
deleted by creator
been out of lemmy for a while, what happened to the comic strip where openrc and runit battled systemd?