Right now, on Stack Overflow, Luigi Magione’s account has been renamed. Despite having fruitfully contributed to the network he is stripped of his name and his account is now known as “user4616250”.
This appears to violate the creative commons license under which Stack Overflow content is posted.
When the author asked about this:
As of yet, Stack Exchange has not replied to the above post, but they did promptly and within hours gave me a year-long ban for merely raising the question. Of course, they did draft a letter which credited the action to other events that occurred weeks before where I merely upvoted contributions from Luigi and bountied a few of his questions.
Stopped using stack overflow ages ago because of how many assholes there are there.
I got a decade old question closed as a duplicate.
You don’t want to go to Pornhub then
It’s 40% assholes People who delete “Hi,” From the first line of the question Because a modicum of politeness and humanity is inefficient And don’t get me started about the XY problem solvers Stack exchange gamifies rudeness and dismissiveness.
Plus AI is actually happy to answer your random questions, with an immediate response. Stack overflow will quickly become obsolete as AI gets better
AI is just regurgitating old stack overflow. It’s not going to get better.