They said that when Google glass came out all those years ago. I’ll believe it when I see it. I think the majority of the public would not want to spend money on something that only does the same thing their phone does but worse.
For me, the hearing assistance aspect is important.
They already made AI assisted ear bugs that do “live” translation. Hearing aid have been a thing for years. If live subtitles are a thing I could see a very small group of people that would be willing to pay for that, but aside from the hearing impaired I still don’t see a good value proposition in “smart” glasses.
I’ve never found ear buds that work for me. I need glasses for everything anyway.
The “into the eye” projection tech looks neat
But even with my smartphone I’m having difficulty doing the actual input, e.g. code on the bus, and that’s not going to get easier with glasses, so I’m not sure what the actual use case is.
I don’t see the use case for “cheating” in a meeting or something? I wouldn’t make it something I rely on.
Wrist watches are a fashion statement too, so that’s where these might fit in?
I’ve been ready for this tech for years