Yup agreed. I’ve tried brita and pur, and pur tastes the closest to NYC water to me, which is my benchmark for the best-tasting water. Definitely not as good as NYC, but closest I’ve come.
Yup agreed. I’ve tried brita and pur, and pur tastes the closest to NYC water to me, which is my benchmark for the best-tasting water. Definitely not as good as NYC, but closest I’ve come.
Not really donations per se, but I’ll probably re-up my giving to ProPublica and Democracy Now. An aggressive and combative press will only be more critical in the coming years. Fuck corporate media. It’s not in their best interest to do their jobs properly, so we need to stop supporting them with our attention, and instead support independent outlets with our attention and our dollars.
Well I was planning on buying it if it was reasonably priced, so it sure had a negative impact on me. I could afford it if I really wanted to, but it’s just a shitty value proposition. They’re transparently greedy, so, no thanks.
Can’t speak to the others, but I believe your second suggestion, about tapping the top again to go back to where you were, is already implemented, at least it works that way for me. I only know this because I discovered it by accident, and was like “shit that’s useful!”