Unironically this.
The entire IT world is held together with spit and sellotape.
Unironically this.
The entire IT world is held together with spit and sellotape.
Try prompting “Elon Musk being castrated and beheaded by an angry mob”
It’s pure magic!
You think that was bad, try Tomb Raider 3. With limited saves on PS1.
I played the remaster recently and I’ve no idea how I completed that shit back then with no guides.
Good. That shit is way overvalued.
There is no way that Nvidia are worth 3 times as much as TSMC, the company that makes all their shit and more besides.
I’m sure some of my market tracker funds will lose value, and they should, because they should never have been worth this much to start with.
Aw geez, what a shame. As if Neo-Goebbels is going to shut his propaganda arm over something as trivial as money.
I was waiting for that.
Man, there’s way more than 52.
He’s gonna need a Magic: The Gathering like system for all those fuckers.
And the system doesn’t know either.
For me this is the major issue. A human is capable of saying “I don’t know”. LLMs don’t seem able to.
I say I like physical media so I could lend them to family.
But really I ain’t lending anyone shit.