I have not. I use Fusion for CAD and CAM for a CNC router.
I have not. I use Fusion for CAD and CAM for a CNC router.
I’ve been learning GIMP to replace Photoshop in preparation. So far, so good, but there are still things about GIMP I just dont get. Like, it’s seems impossible to paint onto a fully transparent layer because the paint tool doesn’t modify the mask as it goes. I don’t even want that layer to have an alpha channel, but it seems like you have no choice if you want a transparent layer.
If you try to paint on a transparent layer, you just get… nothing. It’s so trivial in Photoshop to make a new layer and just paint into it, and I can’t figure it out at all in GIMP. (I really should ask in a forum, but I also feel like I shouldn’t have to.)
Being able to script in Python to simulate Photoshop actions is both awesome and crappy. It’s awesome because of how powerful it is, but crappy that I can’t just whip up an action in seconds to make a quick, repeatable edit.
I guess I’ll have to use a VM to run Autodesk Fusion. ☹️
Religion is fucking disgusting.
I recently did this and Warioland was awesome!
A lot of hand pain with that tiny device.
Just FYI, the “si” bit in your YouTube link is a tracking code. It’s unique to your account, and Google uses it to track your social network. You might consider removing it when sharing links.
On Android, I use a FOSS app called “Léon URL Cleaner” which removes tracking artifacts from URLs. I just “share” a link in Android—or simply copy one and “share” the clipboard—then choose this app. Then you can easily share, open, or copy the cleaned link from there. It’s on F-Droid:
(Obviously, it’s not hard to just edit out the “si” parameter, but the app makes it so easy and works for other links, too.)
I like that the video ID is almost “Daanng, man!”