True, but not much of a shower thought?
True, but not much of a shower thought?
Yeah, I remember reading about it a few years ago. Guy seems really talented, if kinda crazy and pretty racist. Curious to see where he’d be today if he hadn’t lost his marbles.
Side note, isn’t TempleOS not Linux based?
Seems like the creator (forget his name) had some beef with Linus Torvalds and was originally trying to build something to get away from his software, no?
Edit: yeah, based on the Wikipedia Page, it looks like its not based on the Linux Kernel. Also dev’s name was Terry Davis.
What’s up with asbestos and lead in water?
Its my understanding the Flint, MI situation is still a problem, but its my understanding its progressing (just at a snail’s pace). Has there been a regression in the situation?
Yeah, I’m glad most stopped.
I like to share excerpts from Lemmy with my incredibly right-wing family (hopefully to chip away at their staunch beliefs) and its SOOO much easier to share articles/comments when I don’t need to re-write them to exclude all Drumpf mentions. (Those mentions of course cause the person I’m trying to influence to immediately shut down and not read the rest of what I said)