You left out mass child abuser. But I wouldn’t recommend you reading about Donda Academy if you have a weak stomach.
You left out mass child abuser. But I wouldn’t recommend you reading about Donda Academy if you have a weak stomach.
I did suggest I have too much time on my hands as well before I said anything else…
I don’t disagree.
On the other hand, this is a metaphorical representation of every craft endeavor I have ever attempted:
I’m pretty sure they also didn’t write cuneiform complaint tablets, but that’s another issue.
And yet I can’t help but think if you’re going to translate something into Vulcan calligraphy, why a very emotional complaint about shitty copper?
Mod Ship? Is that like an X-wing?
Certainly better than the “you really should have quit designing starships while you were ahead” Oberth Class.
Amazing. You are so invested in being correct that you didn’t even bother looking to see what I’m talking about and just declared it to be trolling.
Which also does not fit the original definition of trolling.
Apparently there is only one instance where the original definition is the only one that matters to you.
Or maybe we can accept that language is fluid and what you want something to mean and what everyone else thinks it means are in no way the same and never will be.
That said, Trump is 100% a classical liberal so I’m highly amused that was the example you decided to go with.
Hey guys, what’s Star Trek? I’ve heard about it before I think. Is it the one with Baby Yoda?
There aren’t literal bugs inside of computers like in the original use of that word, but I’m guessing you have no objections in that case and you might think about that.
I will be getting out.
And I will be wearing one of my favorite shirts when I do it!
You start with the original trilogy and then-
Wait, what are we talking about?
I’m not sure you want to take the advice on how to not anger the gods from a scroll from Herculaneum.
Unless you do the opposite.
It’s not the AI you’re thinking of. This has nothing to do with image creation or large language models.
I’m thinking “black” is kind of an important word in a lot of scientific applications that have nothing to do with medicine or biology.
I would almost guarantee that the NSF requires you to publish in English.
You’re allowed to be invisible. That’s what they want you to be. That or dead. (I’m sorry, I was disabled for years myself.)
The vast majority of children who have ever been close up to a clown disagree with you.