Current world population is 8 billion. 1000/8000000000 is ~ 1.25*10^-7
So if whole population was a meter, those 1000 people would be smaller than red blood cell
If whole population was a trip around the equator (12756 km), those 1000 people would be ~1.6m
It would be hard to maintain meaningful relations with 1000 people so it feels like a big reach. But on the global scale, that 1000 people is like a drop in the ocean
I think your shitposting is fine
I understand that it’s a different model that will not work for everyone. But check out Bandcamp’s payout model. Find new music via internet radio/MusicBrains (I don’t remember RN the name of music exploration based on that)/yt and buy it via the model that is straightforward and at least seems to put the most money in artists’ pockets
Bandcamp also has a “discover” feature where you can set which genres you are interested in. I did find some interesting albums this way too