Designer by profession, Writer by (love) conviction. Reaching mastery is my curse. Always in the present. Here and Now. Él / He /Him 🇻🇪🇻🇪🇻🇪🫓🫓🫓 “You don’t get what you dream about… You get what you strive for step by step!” Atsuko “Akko” Kagari (Little Witch Academia, 2017)
“Nooo! He’s just bipolar!” Some may say, but he’s actually really stupid.
Ahh this is great! I love Glaxnimate and KDE!
No law is as brutal as my conscience. If something is illegal, yet I don’t feel remorsen for it (like with pirating), I don’t give a damn and keep doing it. But if I feel guilty about something that is not only not illegal, but even encouraged, no matter what, I NEVER do it again.
Well, in that case, I need a “Shower Realization” community, 'cause I didn’t know this 'till now.
“American Liberty”, ladies and gentleman.
Ok, I’ll grant you about the date, it was a big mistake and I should have been more cautious with that. The title and the “Brothers” thing though are rather misprints: the title… Well, yes, it’s "Casa Tomada, not “La Casa Tomada”, sorry; and about the brothers, well in Spanish (my mother tongue) saying “Hermanos” (brothers) is a way of referring to a group of brother and sister, there is no direct equivalent to the English “Siblings”, which was the word I wanted to use.
Now, Calling this “misinformation” is a bit exaggerated in my opinion, although I still appreciate the heads up and the interest you put in knowing more about the story and the author beyond what I have said, which after all was one of my goals.
You can download it (or read it) here
I should consider again to move to neocities… I tried to do it once, but as I already have my blog (in blogger), I thought it was unnecessary (besides I was too lazy to relearn HTML and CSS). But I think that in this day and age, it is necessary…
Facebook and reddit, I would say, are part of the process of taking. You are right, we never “own” Facebook, Twitter or Reddit, we had the feeling that we did, but it was a fallacy. What we did had before (for those who had it at the time and maybe still have it) were the personal pages and forums of yesteryear, which, after the rise of social networks, no longer had a “place” in the new digital space.
it’s easier than ever to create your own digital space and anybody could do it at any time
Yes, it is easier, but I don’t know if “anybody” can do it. It requires time, resources, very advanced knowledge for the average user and infinite patience. I have a mutual who is struggling to maintain a Venezuelan Mastodon server and is questioning whether to keep it up even though there is almost no one there or continue. It’s not that simple. And in essence, for the average user who knows nothing about servers, the feeling that the world is shrinking and pushing them out is very real.
On the other hand, think that “our” country is not really “ours”, but of those who have the power, who do with it what they want. And our house may not be ours if it is mortgaged or rented. Nuance, nuance, etc, etc…
(Of course, analogies should not be taken as exact).
But we are nature, part of it, therefore everything we do is natural too, I totally convince of it. My problem is that some of us act like we were something apart from nature, above even.
Emm… Could you elaborate, please? 😅
The Apex Animal, the Uber-animal, the Sigma Animal 🗿
I know my fella Dionegenes pretty well. He was based as fuck 🔥🔥
Good point. I’ll give you that.
Well, you have explained it as concisely and clearly as I never EVER could. Thank you.
In what way we aren’t animals? (And please, don’t mention technology or civilization, that’s an easy one)
To “Stop pretending we are not animals” to me is to stop the antropocentric way of seeing nature and the universe.
For example, is not that certain animals have “human-like” behavior, but rather that we, as animals, share the certain behaviors with other animals.
And I’m convinced that, if we understand other animals more, we would understand ourselves better.
I was already expecting this type of comment to appear at any time lol. Ok pal 👍
So now he’s just a stupid and slightly bipolar Nazi? Is that an “improvement” in his book?