I swear I’m not Jessica

  • 64 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I’d suggest starting a full dose as soon as possible for a couple of reasons.

    First, people who know you are actually less likely to notice changes than strangers. So long as you’re not super close to them anymore, they might not notice that you pass as a girl if you aren’t being overtly feminine. Even if you stop being able to pass as male to the world, you might still pass to your parents.

    Second, there really isn’t much benefit to being at a lower dose, as our body prefers to be dominated by one sex hormone or the other. We’re a bit less healthy at lower e in an e dominant system, or lower t in a t dominant system. There is wiggle room, but at the cost of numerous systems that function best in either sweet spot.

    That said, e regiments start off at a tentative dose anyways, as that’s both safer for most meds, and how natural puberty begins. There are even arguments that starting lower has better results, but that science isn’t as settled.

    You’re probably fine with starting out as is typical, especially since you’re moving away in a few months anyways. Even if you see rapid progress, you’ll probably be able to cover for the effects, especially in winter clothing. It also takes time to find a supplier or a doctor, whether you do DIY or informed consent. You’ll stop hair loss so long as you have proper testosterone suppression, and for that, you want to act quickly.