I’m not sure of the details but hazmat will be involved and it’ll probably make the news.
I’m not sure of the details but hazmat will be involved and it’ll probably make the news.
Meh, it wasn’t for long, it was jail not prison, and it was 30 years ago. I learned a few lessons, mainly that I’m not a good car thief. But also to pick and choose my adventures. When i tell my kids about all the shit we used to do, my wife gets twitchy but there’s a smile behind the rolling eyes.
Ha. I’ve done almost all of that. But I know why I went to jail. After years and years dealing recreational pharmaceuticals, partaking in the same, living in garages, living on stolen candy and nicotine and alcohol, skating, skanking, moshing, fucking and fighting, sometimes it’s just nice to be clean for a day and have one set of nice clothes.
One of my kids asked why I keep buying white shoes. They always get dirty. It’s a goal kid, one day they’re gonna stay clean and you’ll get it.
How long was the build? I gotta say, it does look fun. And did you get a kit or source the parts yourself?
That a guy in a purple dress got super agroed about a movie he thought was about his crush in the name of his version of decency.
Ha! Yeah man. Cool summer nights after a really good day? The call still comes sometimes. The desire to just go out and get wild. But like you say, I like where I am now and life is good.