They have been complaining about it for over a year while people like you told them to shut the fuck up and vote for the administration that literally killed their family members over in Gaza.
We were all saying to vote for the least worst option, nobody was denying the DNC was doing shit all about the situation and making it a bit worse. We were all saying Trump would make it 1000 times worse, for everyone. And so far, in just 2 weeks, he’s demonstrated that to a T
Just sitting out the vote or voting third-party was bad enough, but actively voting for Trump…leopards eating faces man
I bet it got removed as “Rule 1” didn’t it? Lol
Just .ml things
Well if it’s anything like EVE online these “wars” are rather resource intensive on the underlying infrastructure lol
The people who voted for Trump because Harris wasn’t vocal enough on Israel should get this article tattooed on their fucking skin.
And to clarify, a protest non-vote or vote for third-party are votes for Trump
A vOtE fOr hArRiS iS a VotE foR geNoCIdE
A C/C++ dev acting this way‽ Well I am shocked, SHOCKED!
Lol It wasn’t a secret, and religion is undeserving of respect, it’s had thousands of years of that and how did “it” repay that “respect”?
Through numerous horrible atrocities all throughout history, from war done in “god’s” name to rape, murder, slavery and subjugation of all kinds. Just to name a few things off the top of my head.
I have determined that you’re not just a religious nut, but a full bird right-wing nut job, enjoy your tag!
Um yea, organized religion is a cult you religious weirdo.
That’s hilarious lmao, did you ever find out why or was it just a random 7yo prank lmao
I keep telling the Keurig Machine replicator Earl Gray, Hot but I keep having to push the buttons AND load a cup, when is engineering gonna fix this damn thing
Might be a by-product of their uber strict work philosophy
I heard the wifi situation was difficult to deal with
Understatement of the year LMAO nah it was terrible. Typically the top 3 biggest PITA common issues was GPU, WiFi and trackpad, in that order. Every. Time. Didn’t have the right brand, you were SOL. If you had a Dell with that wonderful WiFi card whitelist the damn brands that worked were always off it or were crappy.
Though I’d take WiFi driver issues over having to deal with that dam GPU bumble bee-thingy (idr anymore, the gaming laptop GPU “hot switching” thing)
I’m going to go lay down and have my trauma flashbacks now…
How well does it go over if you try to say “well acktuslly…” when it comes to password changes.
Well, it went over easy, but I also gained the authority to implement or toss such policies when I took my job LMAO
In any case, I was referring to the “my environment” part since it implied you had such authority and were just choosing to emulate policies of others, ofc I don’t mean to make decisions you don’t have the authority to. Hard evidence is hard evidence though, it does give you a leg to stand on should you propose such changes
still want to make sure even on my private network I’m using valid certs. A lot of security departments require that too even if the device isn’t public facing.
Is there a hard source with evidence that this is at all needed? Because there are a lot of things that “security departments” do that amount to security theater. Like forcing arbitrary password changes org wide.
It might be initially, but they’ll figure out a way around it soon enough.
Remember those articles about “poisoning” images? Didn’t get very far on that either
So much for that, I don’t know what I expected from a BlUeMaGAt. I replied to you with no “name calling” and kept it level. And now all of a sudden it’s “you’re not being serious enough for me” nah, that’s straight moving the goal posts.