I’m on a TNG rewatch right now, but I’ll probably be right back to LD before very long.
“Life forms. You precious little lifeforms. You tiny little lifeforms. Where are you?”
- Lt. Cmdr Data, Star Trek: Generations
I’m on a TNG rewatch right now, but I’ll probably be right back to LD before very long.
Being on the spectrum, I have to say, I weirdly relate to Boimler in Lower Decks, especially early seasons. It’s something about his awkwardness combined with his dealing with his ambition that spoke to me when I got rejected from my dream school a year or so back.
It’s almost like Data is the person you dream of being in some ways and Boimler is the person you actually are in a few aspects.
Ah, yes. The film where Jeri Ryan, Terry Farrell, and Kate Mulgrew are accidentally forced to abduct Rick Berman and keep him in their house for a few months while they wildly improve Star Trek. A classic. 😁
If only.
I believe in the moment, it was actually a hologram.
Still, we desperately need a statue of the Chief.
Also, heir to the holy rings of Betazed.
Borg Backup, whenever I feel like it - usually monthly.
I honestly forgot about that. It’s been a while since I’ve watched Orville, but remembering that, I agree.
I have respect for how the Orville turned both Isaac and Gordon around from the most annoying characters on the show to some of the best.
I use Debian with XFCE, but while I love XFCE, it might not be everyone’s thing. If you do give it a try, make sure to use Whisker Menu instead of the default app menu, and also set keyboard mappings to your liking.
P.S: Ubuntu’s pushing for Snaps, not Flatpaks. Flatpaks are actually pretty good - makes it really easy to install a newer software version when the one in Debian repos doesn’t suffice.
Also, it’s not only Ubuntu pushing for Wayland - most distros or DEs either have it working or are working towards it (there are some exceptions). XFCE is still on xorg, but working on Wayland. The problem is xorg is on life support and not getting a lot of new features.
I’lll taaaeek yoooo hooooooooeeeem, AGAAAAAAIN KATHLEEN!
Just being in Starfleet in general, honestly:
I feel like they could have done several things to make them more realistic.
One option might have been instead making it a form of matterless telepathic project, with a bunch of the crew having to awkwardly walk inside these projections.
Another option might have been to make it so the Doopler behaves sort of like a replicator and uses materials from its environment to build clones. At first, the Cerritos life support systems would be able to keep up, but then, instead of the risk of being crushed, it could have instead been the risk of oxygen depletion or something as life support struggles to keep up. Granted, that would have made beaming the Doopler emissary onto the star base even more sadistic than it already was, so you’d have to find a way to revise them.
I feel like the Pandronians aren’t as severe - maybe an 8. You could explain the floating in part as a naturally occurring anti-gravity system (which does canonically exist artificially).
I might be biased, though, in kn my Star Trek Adventures campaign, I have a Pandronian as my chief medical officer.
I feel like as this goes on, this list just devolves into random Star Trek species.
I mean, the whole point of the Antedians and Breen is they’re total meme species.
I personally feel like one of the ACTUAL worst species in the franchise is LD’s Dooplers. While overall, the eponymous episode is great, probably one of the series bests, the Dooplers felt out of place. Usually, Lower Decks has a standard of doing things that are both ridiculous and plausible by Star Trek logic - in other words, the cartoon dial is usually set at 6 or 7 (unless it’s a hallucination), but I feel like the Dooplers were a jarring turn to a 10.
Me, in Arizona:
Though honestly, my thought is if the rest of the country gets rid of DST, I feel like Pacific should go to PDT because it’s incredibly nice when that part of the country aligns with Arizona’s time. Granted, that might be weirder for the eastern Mountain time states.
Give us Prodigy S3, please.
Maybe they are, but those parts haven’t developed yet - notice how their arms are bare. There might also be neurological differences in babies that prevent the full influence of the collective.
Funny, but I also almost puked seeing Data that way. I guess he can survive as only a head, though - just need a new body.
I agree Kim was worth it. “Fissure Quest” is a wonderful episode that offsets a bit of the disappointment of the finale (which, while underwhelming, I would hardly call a bad episode). I certainly would love it to continue in some form.
I loved Malor, but am annoyed a bit what they did with Ma’ah in the end - how does this guy go from “Beckett is honorable” immediately after meeting her to near instantly distrusting her? They should have found a way to allow Boimler that moment without it being at Ma’ah’ expense.