Some of these are good, some are just needlessly assertive nonsense. Especially the two where it’s actively refusing to acknowledge fault or apologize for it, which is standard PR crap. Refusing to apologize and instead saying “thanks for your patience” is what I expect to hear from my ISP when they miss their scheduled install, not from a coworker.
There’s nothing wrong with being a normal human being that is capable of admitting their own shortcomings. If never saying sorry means “being a boss” then that explains why there’s so many sociopaths as CEOs.
“Hope that make sense?” Vs “Let me know if you have any questions.”
The latter is saying “here’s the explanation, figure it out, bother me again if you can’t”. The fromer, while poorly worded, is being helpful, actively attempting to make sure the person understands before leaving them to it. It’s both a kindness and doing your due diligence.
Counterpoint: devs frequently downplay user’s needs and inflate the importance of their own ideas, and because they’re often in an echo chamber of their own team’s environment, they never hear meaningful kickback from anyone they respect (because they certainly don’t respect users).
Then they share this comic back forth literally every time users complain.
Someone, in the slack channels of reddit’s devs, shared this exact comic with this exact attitude because of the backlash. And it was met with the same approval as the comments here.