I suggest they unionize, demand seats on the board for their unions, and crush excessive C-level compensation. Moving on just moves the exploitation to a new kind of job.
I suggest they unionize, demand seats on the board for their unions, and crush excessive C-level compensation. Moving on just moves the exploitation to a new kind of job.
It’s generally used to refer to programmers by people who have no idea of what programming entails.
The thing that’s not average about them is their social position and consequent connections. I’ve met a lot of them, from firms whose name you’d know, and they’re the types who would have been B students at competitive universities. Not stupid by any means, but not brilliant. But their network of acquaintances is aways extensive and elite.
It’s always been that way. Otherwise General Motors wouldn’t exist. Neither would Microsoft.
Crypto is one of the only businesses where use of the Enron name could conceivably improve their reputation.
You may see killer drones near you home in 20 years or so.
Operated by your friendly local police force.
There are encyption methods in existence that are resistant to any likely implementation of quantum computing as it’s now understood. It may be that, in the future, quantum computing is developed to be better able to crack those ciphers, but it’s equally likely that other methods of encryption will be developed that are even more resistant to quantum cracking.
She’s trying hard to be another Trump, constantly flinging out dead cats.
Trump rallies?
Good that you’re open-minded, he’ll probably need some support later in his life when he comes out.
Nothing will change until the rich take a big haircut.