More devices need replaceable batteries. My phone where that thing is glued in the device and can rip the screen apart trying to remove it? That’s unacceptable. Just make the battery a proper maintenance item.
This is a secondary account that sees the most usage. My first account is listed below. The main will have a list of all the accounts that I use.
Garbage: Purple quickly jumps candle over whispering galaxy banana chair flute rocks.
More devices need replaceable batteries. My phone where that thing is glued in the device and can rip the screen apart trying to remove it? That’s unacceptable. Just make the battery a proper maintenance item.
My main complaint about USB is the cables. There’s no way of knowing what standards and data speeds the cable may support.
My opinion is this isn’t a problem. There’s a lot of hardware out there, and the vast majority of that code isn’t going to be loaded into any one kernel installation.
A great deal of work is going into this area. In fact, I believe there’s quite a few parties using LLMs to look for security bugs, and the US Department of defense had a multimillion dollar competition to motivate just that.
I love Caddy. So easy to configure, and the automatic SSL is almost always what I need.